38 Fun Things To Do With Your Boyfriend When You’re Bored Out Of Your Minds

You and your boyfriend have been together for a while now and things are good. They’re also… kinda boring sometimes. You still make time for date night, but it’s all getting too routine and it feels a little stale. If you’re at a loss for how to entertain yourselves, here are some fun things to do with your boyfriend that will breathe some new life into your relationship.

Fun things to do with your boyfriend when you’re feeling bored

  1. Plan a weekend getaway to a nearby city or town. You don’t have to go far to have fun. Even a night away gives you a change of scene and an opportunity to switch things up.
  2. Try a new outdoor activity like hiking or kayaking. This gets you out of the house, gets your blood pumping, and gets fresh air into your lungs. Sure, physical exercise may not seem like one of the most fun things to do with your boyfriend, but you might be surprised.
  3. Cook a special meal together at home. If one person usually cooks, make it a couple’s affair. Pick a dish you both love that you normally wouldn’t make at home and go for it. Even if it ends up tasting gross, it’ll be a hilarious experience.
  4. Go on a picnic in a local park. If the weather’s nice, take your favorite snacks and drinks to go. People-watching is great, too!
  5. Take a dance class together. This can be a class where you dance together, i.e. tango or waltz, or a solo endeavor that you attend together like ballet or jazz. This is one of the most fun things you can do with your boyfriend, especially if neither of you has much rhythm.
  6. Play a board game or card game together. Sure, most board games need more than two players these days, but go retro. Mouse Trap, anyone? Hungry, Hungry Hippos? Pogs? Bring back some games from your childhood and you’ll have an amazing time.
  7. Have a movie night with all your favorite films and snacks. Going to the movies is expensive and people chewing loud and talking through the movie are obnoxious. Instead, have a movie night at home. You can even set up an ice cream bar to make your own sundaes! Plus, you can press pause when one of you needs a refill.
  8. Explore a new neighborhood in your city or town. If you live in a big enough city, chances are there are plenty of neighborhoods you’ve never been to. Go out and explore! You never know what you might discover.
  9. Go on a wine tasting tour at a local vineyard. If you live near one, of course. You can pretend to be super fancy and also get drunk. If that’s not fun, we don’t know what is.
  10. Attend a live music or comedy show. Going to a concert or even seeing a stand-up show is a great way to switch up your routine and do something different. Laughter and music make you feel alive. Embrace it!

More couple activities to try to switch things up

  1. Plan a surprise date for each other. If date night has become boring and predictable, the best way to change that is to surprise each other. Agree to plan a night out that’s totally unconventional and isn’t anything you’ve done before. Lean into spontaneity!
  2. Visit a museum or art gallery together. There’s nothing like a bit of culture to give you stuff to talk about. Go see an exhibit at a local museum and enrich your minds. It’ll make you more interesting as a person, too!
  3. Go on a bike ride together. Again, this is all about getting your blood flowing, feeling the wind in your hair, and getting some fresh air. Being inside 24/7 is comfortable, but it’s also stifling.
  4. Take a day trip to a nearby beach or lake. Swimming, fishing, or even canoeing are all options here. Plus, the beautiful scenery is certainly a bonus.
  5. Have a game night with other couples. This is one of the most fun things you can do with your boyfriend, without a doubt. Invite a few couple friends, get out the best games you have, and have a laugh!
  6. Learn a new skill together like cooking or painting. This is personally enriching and a great bonding experience. It’s a win-win.
  7. Volunteer at a local charity or non-profit organization. Giving back may not sound like your typical idea of fun, but nothing feels better than helping others. It makes you grateful for what you have, for sure.
  8. Attend a sporting event or game. Even if you hate football, if your boyfriend loves it, go and have fun with him. Convince him to come to a gymnastics meet with you or an ice skating exhibition if that’s what you’re into.
  9. Have a bonfire and roast marshmallows. There’s nothing like getting warm by a fire on a cold winter’s nice and eating some s’mores. That’s our idea of fun!
  10. Take a hot air balloon ride or go on a helicopter tour. This is a bit more lavish and probably only feasible for a very special occasion. However, if you can swing it, it would be memorable!

More things to try to inject some fun into your relationship

  1. Take a pottery class together and make something special for each other. Even if you only manage to make something super simple like a bowl or mug, this is still meaningful. Every time you see the item in the future, you’ll smile.
  2. Visit a nearby botanical garden and enjoy a scenic walk through nature. This is the best thing ever in the spring. Taking in all the new plants coming to life with the change of seasons is beautiful AND fun.
  3. Have a game night at an arcade, playing classic games like pinball and Pac-Man. You can download simulators of these games for your PC, get an external game system to play them on, or even hit up a local arcade. Collect tickets and see what prizes you can win! This is one of the most fun things you can do in general, not just with your boyfriend.
  4. Take a tour of a local brewery or distillery and sample different drinks. If wine isn’t your taste, this may be a better option. Make sure you have Uber downloaded because you’ll definitely be too drunk to drive home.
  5. Take a trapeze class and learn to fly through the air together. Sure, it sounds intense, but think of how fun it would be. Who wouldn’t want to be a circus acrobat? A double act is even better!
  6. Go to a street fair or festival and try new foods and activities. Street fairs are the best because they have so much good stuff in one place. Hit one up and get some grub, buy some cool stuff, and just enjoy yourselves.
  7. Go on a sunset sail or boat ride. You can even take out one of those pedal boats that you row like a bicycle. That’s romantic AND fun.
  8. Take a yoga class together. Even if you’re not very stretchy, this is a good option. You’ll crack up watching each other trying to twist into a pretzel shape!
  9. Go stargazing and try to identify constellations. Make it up as you go along if you’re struggling. Your boyfriend won’t know the difference, anyway!
  10. Visit an escape room and solve puzzles and clues together. Will you get out in time? Even if you don’t, it’ll be one of the most fun things you’ve ever done with your boyfriend, guaranteed.

Extra suggestions for fun things to do with your boyfriend

  1. Have a DIY day and work on a project together, like building a piece of furniture or creating a scrapbook.
  2. Go stargazing and try to identify constellations.
  3. Have a karaoke night and sing your favorite songs together.
  4. Try a sensory deprivation tank and enjoy a relaxing and introspective experience.
  5. Go to a carnival or an amusement park and get on the scariest ride together.
  6. Go virtual house-hunting together, looking up the most extravagant houses you’d love to live in.
  7. Sign up for a 5K race and train together. Even better if you raise some money for charity!
  8. Host a silent disco in your living room and dance around like maniacs.
Bolde has been a source of dating and relationship advice for single women around the world since 2014. We combine scientific data, experiential wisdom, and personal anecdotes to provide help and encouragement to those frustrated by the journey to find love. Follow us on Instagram @bolde_media or on Facebook @BoldeMedia