The tricky part about putting yourself out there when dating is not knowing what other people’s intentions are. If you’re looking for a real-deal long-term type of love while the person you’re interested in just wants a hookup or casual fling, this is obviously isn’t going to work. One way to protect your heart is to know what you might be getting yourself into ahead of time. These general guidelines may not apply to when someone actually wants and decides to settle down, but while still just dating though, here are five signs to proceed with caution with if you want a relationship to last.
- Aries (Mar 21-Apr 19) Aries are intense people and can be a bit much. They are high energy, take on many projects, and constantly stay busy. A new relationship is exciting to them and they will plunge in full force, but only for the conquest. Once they feel accomplished in obtaining someone, they will check that off their to-do list and keep it moving.
- Taurus (Apr 20-May 21) Once a Taurus finds “The One,” they’re done. Like done done, going nowhere, ’til death do them part. Because of this, though, they’re insanely picky. They’re not fun to date because you’re on the most massive chopping block with them. Even if things are hot, steamy, and going well, their list of instant dealbreakers is so long and if you show a flickering hint of one them, they will go ice cold on you in an instant. Taureans are only worth it if you reach the finish line with them, otherwise, you’re putting your whole heart on the line to see if you’ve got a chance. This sign doesn’t do casual well—you’re either all the way in or out. They need to know it’s going to work.
- Gemini (May 22-June 21) Geminis have a dual personality and you just never know which side you’re going to get. They could be extra attentive and loyal for a week straight then switch over the next and act completely brand new. They’re also extremely flirty, play too much, and get bored easily. They’re best left hopping around smooth-talking anyone who will listen.
- Cancer (June 22-Jul 20) Cancers are sensitive and loyal. They don’t want to hurt people. They’re not likely to engage in casual flings due to their love of romance. Once again, their likelihood of a short-term relationship is on who they’re with. A Cancer’s moodiness can wear on even the strongest of people and they’re liable to send their partner packing despite their redeeming qualities.
- Virgo (Aug 23-Sept 22) Virgo is also a sign that is committed once they settle but their problem to get to that point is mostly themselves. Virgos are extremely self-critical, and their perfectionism almost always gets in the way of their ventures. They will have a good thing standing directly in front of them but find some way to talk themselves out of it and imagine a problem before it even exists. On the other hand, they’re also prone to staying in relationships they know are beneath them to intentionally maneuver away from true vulnerability and play it safe to avoid heartbreak. If you see a Virgo who is hopping from one relationship to another but not staying in them long, this could also be what they’re doing.
- Libra (Sept 23-Oct 22) Libras are all about love and on their end will stay in a relationship forever for the sake of romance, but also to avoid confrontation. Their likelihood of a short-lived relationship comes from their partner tolerating their ways. This sign avoids conflict like the plague, so it seems like they don’t take anything seriously. They’re only good in a relationship while it’s fun. When the honeymoon phase ends, their qualifications for the latter part of “for better or worse” will be in question. Most women don’t feel secure with a guy who can’t deal with problems.
- Sagittarius (Nov 23-Dec 21) Sagittarians are really nice people, but not always the most reliable. They’re adventurous and tend to go off on their own a lot, which makes them prone to ghosting people. It’s easy to have a casual friendship with them, but hard to get closer and connect on a deeper level.
- Pisces (Feb 19-Mar 20) This is not a sign you have to worry about leaving a relationship prematurely. In fact, their problem is more often the exact opposite. Pisceans are super empathetic and will mull over any reason to try to understand the other person’s shortcomings, which leads to them giving their partners endless excuses and lingering in dead-end relationships. They fantasize too much and idealize their partner. It takes a while for them to see things for what they are and accept the need to move on and let go. They can’t help but hold onto false hope. They also take any discord in the relationship as a call to action to change something about themselves to accommodate their partner. They’re very likely to end up being used and losing themselves completely to another person.