9 Less Obvious Ways Your Mom Ruined Your Love Life

9 Less Obvious Ways Your Mom Ruined Your Love Life

How we grow up matters, and it’s not unusual to carry trauma and baggage from when we were kids into our adult relationships. Even if you feel like you had an idyllic childhood, it’s possible that how you were parented left an indelible mark on the way you interact and love in your relationships. Here are some ways your mom may have ruined your love life without you even realizing it.

1. Overprotective Parenting

If your mom was super protective, always hovering and stepping in to solve your problems, it might have affected your independence in relationships. Being overprotected can lead you to rely too much on your partner, expecting them to handle things the way your mom did. This can create an imbalance where you’re not taking enough initiative or responsibility in your relationship.

Moreover, overprotective parenting can make you less willing to take risks, including emotional ones, in your love life. You might avoid confrontations or difficult conversations because you’re not used to handling conflict. This can lead to a lack of deep communication in your relationships, which is essential for intimacy and growth.

2. Constant Criticism

If your mom was always critical, it might have left you with a heap of insecurities. Constant criticism can make you super self-conscious, always worrying about what your partner thinks of you. You might find yourself constantly seeking approval in your relationships, which can be exhausting for both you and your partner.

This can also lead you to be overly critical of your partner. You might find fault with them more often than necessary because that’s the behavior you’ve been exposed to. This can create a negative atmosphere in your relationships, making it hard for love to flourish.

3. High (And Often Unrealistic) Expectations

Moms who set the bar really high can unknowingly set you up for relationship struggles. If you grew up with a mom who had unrealistic expectations, you might find yourself looking for a partner who can meet these impossible standards. This can lead to a string of unsatisfying relationships because no one seems good enough.

Additionally, high expectations can make you put too much pressure on your partner to be perfect. This can lead to disappointment and frustration on both sides, as your partner may feel constantly judged or unable to live up to your standards. (BTW, if you struggle with keeping your expectations in check, especially in love, check out our sister site, Sweetn. They give some killer advice that will really change your life. See them here.)

4. Emotional Unavailability

If your mom wasn’t emotionally available or expressive, it might have affected your ability to connect deeply with others. You might struggle to express your feelings or build emotional intimacy because you didn’t have a model for these growing up. This can leave your relationships feeling superficial.

Not having emotional closeness with your mom can also make you hesitant to trust others with your feelings. You might keep your partner at arm’s length, afraid of being vulnerable. This lack of vulnerability and openness can hinder the development of a meaningful, loving relationship.

5. Unhealthy Relationship Examples

Your mom’s own relationships can heavily influence your view of love and partnerships. If she had unhealthy relationships, you might have learned and internalized some negative patterns. This can include staying in unhappy relationships because you think that’s the norm, or accepting unhealthy behaviors as ‘just how relationships are.’

On the flip side, if your mom hopped from one relationship to another, you might have developed a fear of commitment or a belief that relationships are fleeting. These views can prevent you from investing fully in a relationship and building something long-lasting and meaningful.

6. Lack of Privacy and Boundaries

If your mom didn’t respect your privacy or personal boundaries growing up, it might have skewed your perception of what’s normal in relationships. You could end up either too invasive in your partner’s space or too passive about setting your own boundaries. This lack of balance can lead to trust issues or feelings of suffocation in a relationship.

When you’re not used to having your own space respected, you might struggle to understand where the line is in terms of sharing and personal independence in a relationship. It’s crucial to learn and establish healthy boundaries so that you and your partner can have the necessary space to grow individually and together.

7. Negative Attitudes Towards the Opposite Sex

If your mom often expressed negative attitudes towards men or women, this might have shaped your views on the opposite sex, affecting how you approach relationships. You might unconsciously carry these biases and generalizations into your own love life, judging potential partners unfairly or expecting the worst from them.

Overcoming these ingrained attitudes requires conscious effort. It’s about recognizing each person as an individual and not a stereotype. Unlearning these biases can lead to healthier, more open relationships where you judge a partner based on their actions, not preconceived notions.

8. Hyper-Independence

On the other end of the spectrum, if your mom was super independent and always emphasized self-reliance, you might struggle with depending on others in a relationship. While being independent is a great quality, extreme self-reliance can make you less open to sharing and collaborating with your partner.

Relationships are about give and take, and sometimes, leaning on your partner is okay. If you’re too set on handling everything alone, it can prevent you from experiencing the full depth of a shared partnership and the support it offers.

9. Inconsistent or Overbearing Love

If the love and attention you received from your mom were inconsistent or overbearing, it might affect how you perceive love. You might equate love with constant attention and become clingy, or you may have trouble trusting that love is consistent and reliable, leading to insecurities in your relationships.

Learning to find a middle ground where love is steady and secure is key. It’s about understanding that healthy love isn’t smothering or erratic, but rather supportive, consistent, and respectful of individual needs.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.