9 Things You Should Never Say To Anyone, No Matter How Angry You Are

9 Things You Should Never Say To Anyone, No Matter How Angry You Are

We’ve all had those moments when anger flares up, and words come spilling out. But here’s the thing – there are some things you should never, and I mean never, say to anyone, no matter how heated the moment.

1. Personal Attacks Are a No-Go.

When anger simmers, it’s easy to let loose with personal attacks, but trust me, it’s a road you don’t want to go down. Insults and name-calling can leave permanent scars on relationships. Remember, words have power, and once you say them, there’s no taking them back. So, take a deep breath, count to 10, and resist the urge to attack someone’s character or appearance. Instead, focus on addressing the issue at hand and finding a solution together. Communication, not confrontation, is the key to resolving conflicts.

2. “I Hate You.”

Hate is a strong word, and it should never be thrown around lightly, especially in the heat of an argument. Uttering those three words can cut deep and leave emotional wounds that take a long time to heal. Instead of resorting to hate, express your feelings using “I” statements. Say how you feel about the situation, not about the person. Remember, it’s okay to be angry or upset — your feelings are totally valid! — but finding a constructive way to communicate your emotions is far more productive than spreading hate.

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4. “You’re So Stupid.”

Belittling someone’s intelligence is a surefire way to escalate a conflict. Even if you’re frustrated, remember that everyone makes mistakes, and no one is immune to error. Instead of labeling someone as “stupid,” try offering constructive feedback or finding a solution together. It’s essential to maintain respect and dignity in conversations, even when disagreements arise. You never know when you might need that person’s help or cooperation in the future.

5. “You’re Just Like [Someone They Dislike].”

Comparing someone to a person they despise is a low blow. It not only fuels anger but also deepens divides. Avoid this by addressing the issue at hand directly without dragging unrelated baggage into the conversation. Remember, every individual is unique, and making unfair comparisons can hinder understanding and resolution. Focus on the present issue, not past grievances or unrelated conflicts.

6. “I Wish I Never Met You.”

Regretful words like these can leave lasting emotional scars. Instead of dwelling on what can’t be undone, focus on finding solutions or seeking understanding. Remember, relationships have their ups and downs, but they can also grow stronger through challenges. Express your feelings and concerns without resorting to regret or blame. Open communication can lead to reconciliation and a deeper connection.

7. “You Always [Negative Trait].”

Using absolute statements like “always” in arguments can be both unfair and unproductive. It generalizes behavior and can make the other person defensive. Instead, be specific about the issue at hand and avoid sweeping judgments. Acknowledge that individuals can change and that behavior can vary in different circumstances. By addressing specific concerns, you create a more productive and empathetic conversation.

8. “This is Your Fault.”

Assigning blame without considering the bigger picture can lead to resentment. Instead of pointing fingers, try to understand each other’s perspectives and work together to find a resolution. Blame doesn’t fix problems; communication and cooperation do. Explore the root causes of the issue together and seek common ground for a solution. By working as a team, you can address the problem effectively and prevent future conflicts.

9. “I’m Done with You.”

Threatening to end a relationship or friendship in the heat of the moment is a destructive move. It can leave the other person feeling abandoned and hurt. Instead, take a break if needed, cool off, and then address the issue with a calmer mindset. Communication is key to resolving conflicts. Express your feelings and concerns without resorting to ultimatums. By maintaining open lines of communication, you have a better chance of resolving conflicts and strengthening your relationships.

10. “You’ll Never Change.”

Making assumptions about someone’s ability to change can be damaging. People can and do change, but it takes time and effort. Instead of making sweeping statements about their character, express your concerns and give them the opportunity to grow. Remember, personal growth is a journey, and support from loved ones can be a powerful motivator.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.