7 Small But Significant Ways Hopeless Romantics Love Differently

In a dating world rife with ghosting, benching, and a million other terrible behaviors, keeping the hope of finding true love alive as a hopeless romantic is far from easy. However, when they do manage to find someone who’s as dedicated and passionate as they are, they’ll be the best partners ever—here’s why.

  1. Every date is like the first date. First dates are the time to make the best first impression. You put your best foot forward and turn up the romance in the hope of making a solid connection and moving things forward if the chemistry is there. For hopeless romantics, this doesn’t stop once you’re actually in a relationship. They’ll wine and dine you with the best of them and you’ll feel those first date butterflies of anticipation every single time.
  2. They never forget the little things. Whether it’s the fact that you only like half-and-half in your coffee or that you have a weird thing about only wearing black socks, hopeless romantics hang on your every word, which means they never forget the little details. It’s really sweet and kinda touching how easily they can remember totally inconsequential facts that you’d never expected them to soak in.
  3. They make you feel loved and appreciated every single day. Because they value true love so highly, they do what it takes to keep it strong and thriving. They know that feeling taken for granted is a relationship killer and they care about you too much to ever let that happen. Whether it’s picking you up some McDonald’s on their way home from work because they know how tired you are after a long day or filling up your car with gas to save you the trip, they’re always doing small, thoughtful things to let you know you’re on their minds.
  4. They live every day like it could be your last together. While that sounds somewhat fatalistic, it’s not really. Hopeless romantics sometimes feel like they’re living in a dramatic movie, where you never know what’s coming around the corner (kinda like life in general). Because there’s always a small part of them that knows how much emptier their lives would be without you—not because they’re not complete on their own but because you add so much to their already full existences—they take advantage of every single second by your side.
  5. They know how to spoil you. This doesn’t necessarily mean with material goods either (though they are partial to handing over small tokens of their love for you). No, hopeless romantics are more likely to spoil you with love, attention, and affection than anything else. They lavish it on you like it’s going out of style, and while this can occasionally become smothering to partners who aren’t on their level of intensity, the best partners know that this is a total gift and bask in it wholeheartedly.
  6. They kiss you like they mean it. It should go without saying that hopeless romantics are passionate in and out of the bedroom. When you kiss them, there are fireworks. When you have sex, you feel like your whole world is crashing down in the best possible way. They put every ounce of love, lust, and passion into your intimacy, physical and otherwise, and the results are incredible to experience.
  7. They love with their whole entire hearts. At the end of the day, hopeless romantics just want to love you. They know that human connection is one of the most important things in life and they value it unreservedly. So long as you treat them well and reciprocate their romantic gestures, they’ll love you like you’ve never been loved before. Consider yourself lucky to have found them.
Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill