Do You Want To Find Love In 2020? Do These 11 Things

You’d be lying if you said you wanted to die alone. Everyone wants to find someone they can connect with and love forever but finding that person isn’t always easy, especially if you refuse to put in the work and make the necessary changes. Do you want to find love in 2020? Do these 11 things.

  1. Figure Out What You Want. Have you been consistently unsuccessful in love? That’s probably because you haven’t figured out the type of partner you need. Granted, it can take a while, but you should have an idea by now of what characteristics to avoid and seek out. If you don’t, you should spend some time figuring that out so you can stop dating the wrong people.
  2. Stop Trying To Change. You are who you are. The sooner you accept that the sooner you’ll stop trying to become someone else. You’re not a celebrity or an influencer, so stop putting so much effort into impressing strangers. It’s not only a waste of time but it’s keeping you from being at peace with yourself and letting good people in.
  3. Let Yourself Be Anxious. Looking for love can make you anxious, but that doesn’t mean you should let yourself date destructively. What we mean is, don’t play games to protect yourself, and don’t use alcohol to make yourself calmer. Welcome your anxiety and fears and let them guide you in love.
  4. Respect Other People. Respecting someone means listening to their opinions, caring about what they say, and being able to compromise. You need to respect the person you’re with in order to have a successful relationship. If you have a “my way or the highway” mentality, you’ll never find love. Adjust your controlling and selfish behavior so you can attract the right person.
  5. Don’t Rely So Much On The Internet. Dating apps can be amazing and resourceful ways to find love. With that said, you shouldn’t rely so heavily on them! Doing that stops you from having conversations with people in real life because you’re too focused on your phone. You don’t ever want to lose practice communicating in real-life because you’re too comfortable talking through apps.
  6. Give People A Chance. Your first date wasn’t amazing. So what? That doesn’t necessarily mean you should give up on that person. Not everyone “wows” on the first date, but that doesn’t mean they’re a horrible person. Take the time to get to know someone before dismissing them altogether.
  7. Look For A Partner. We were raised on fairytales and Prince Charmings, but here’s the truth: you don’t want someone who’ll sweep you off your feet and charm you with compliments. You want a partner; someone you can go to for advice and chase dreams with. Romance will happen naturally when you’re in love, so you don’t have to look for it.
  8. Practice Self-Care. Self-care is more than just a millennial trend. If you don’t put work into yourself, you’ll never grow. And if you don’t grow, your outlook on the world won’t change. You’ll keep going to the same places, working the same job, and dating the same toxic people. Do you want to find love that’ll last? Practice self-care so your dating habits can evolve.
  9. Don’t Limit Yourself. Dating teaches us valuable lessons that we’re supposed to use in future relationships. The goal is to avoid dating the same type of person, but that doesn’t mean you have to be incredibly strict. Don’t limit yourself by narrowing in on a specific type. You might think you should avoid blonde men because you were hurt by a blonde man but that’s not how that works.
  10. Be Real. Opening up isn’t easy. Like anything, it takes practice. You have to work on being in tune with yourself and communicating your thoughts to other people. The good news is that if you’re real with others, they’ll be real with you. You won’t have to pretend or hide anything, which will make your love life so much easier.
  11. Adjust Your Understanding Of Love. Stop spending so much time on the internet staring at all those “perfect couples.” There’s no such thing as the perfect couple and if you think there is, you’re doing yourself a real disservice. Love is supposed to be messy, dramatic, and sometimes difficult. In order to find love, you need to have realistic expectations of what it really looks like. Ignore what you see on social media.
Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.