People Are Making Charcuterie Boards For Their Dogs Called ‘Barkuterie’ And They’re The Cutest Things Ever

Dogs are just the best, aren’t they? They’re not just pets, they’re bona fide members of the family that you love as much as the humans in your life (I mean, it’s not just me, right?). It’s only natural that we want our puppers to enjoy the same treats we do, which I guess is why people have started making ‘barkuterie,’ or charcuterie boards for dogs.

  1. Don’t worry, they’re all dog-safe. The most important thing to note here is that barkuterie boards aren’t full of people food just handed over to dogs. Instead, they should be chock full of delicious, healthy treats that are dog-safe and meant for animals. You’ll want to avoid cheese, processed meats, and many of the other items that are often on human charcuterie boards, especially grapes as they can be deadly.
  2. There are so many options for things to put on here! You can add chicken breasts or salmon, eggs, small bits of cheddar, fresh berries like blueberries or strawberries, carrots, actual dog treats, apples, cucumber, cooked sweet potato, and more. Just make sure to check if you’re not certain a food is dog-safe.
  3. You can even cater to specific canine diets. The cool thing about barkuterie is the same as charcuterie: you can customize it however you want and the options are endless. For instance, maybe you have a dog with a sensitive stomach who often has loose stools. In this case, include some binders such as plain greek yogurt, pure pumpkin puree, natural applesauce, or low-fat cottage cheese. Change your options based on your dog’s particular needs.
  4. It’s a fun way to make your dog feel included. Do dogs NEED barkuterie boards? Obviously not. Should they have one anyway? Duh. It’s a fun way to serve up mealtime or even some treats. Just make sure you’re not overwhelming your pet calorie-wise or introducing a ton of new foods at once or you could end up giving your good boy or girl some serious digestive issues.

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