Why I’ll Never Really Grow Up, Now Matter How Old I Get

Why I’ll Never Really Grow Up, Now Matter How Old I Get ©iStock/Geber86

There’s a difference between being an immature idiot and being a mature adult who isn’t afraid to have fun. “Old” is just for those adults who forgot what it was like to be a kid and don’t remember how to relax a little. If I have my way, I’ll never really grow up, no matter how old I get.

  1. Laughter reduces stress. I love to laugh. It’s one of the reasons I’m able to keep my cool in stressful situations. The more I laugh, the less stressed out I feel. I tend to find something to laugh about when I’m feeling overwhelmed and anxious and I instantly feel better. “Grown ups” don’t have the same sense of humor.
  2. Kids have more fun. Remember when a large cardboard box was the best toy ever? If not, get off your phone and play fort sometime. Kids just know how to have more fun with the simplest things. I like the idea of finding joy in the small things and not needing to spend hundreds to have a good time.
  3. Kids aren’t afraid to be themselves. Sometimes kids are too honest, but at least they’re not afraid to be who they are. They say what’s on their mind and don’t let anyone discourage them (at least for a while). I think we could all go back to that mentality once in a while.
  4. Adults are boring. There’s a reason kids go off to play while the adults talk. Adults are boring. I feel like Charlie Brown listening to his teacher — wah, wah, wah. I don’t want to spend my life bored to tears.
  5. I get to be a kid with money. Do I really need to explain this one? Happy, fun mentality and money to buy my favorite toys? Awesome! And yes, I do still buy kids’ toys sometimes and I’m not ashamed to admit it.
  6. Age is just a number. At first, it took me a while to realize my age is nothing but a number. It doesn’t change my mentality. My body might be aging, but that doesn’t mean I have to give up and sit around doing nothing all day. The more active and happy I stay, the healthier and younger I’ll feel.
  7. It attracts better people. Who would rather be around — a grumpy adult or a happy kid? The carefree nature of a child naturally attracts more people. When I decided to never really grow up, I felt freer and happier. Now, more people than ever gravitate to me at parties and gatherings.
  8. Toys are fun. I don’t give a damn about what other people say. Playing with toys is fun. I think it’s one of the reasons adults are so eager to play with toys with kids. They get to enjoy themselves, but it’s under the guise of playing with the child. You’re not fooling anyone. Go ahead and buy toys and let your imagination run wild.
  9. I like Happy Meals. OK, so I liked them better when they had real food in them. Seriously, what kid gets full on a few apple slices and a couple chicken nuggets? A medium fry and a cheeseburger were so much better, especially when paired with an awesome, collectible toy.
  10. I’m a Toys ‘R Us kid. If you don’t know what this means, find a Toys ‘R Us right now! I love going into the store and playing around with all the newest toys. Just humming the song makes me feel like I’m 10 again.
  11. Games help my mind. Board games aren’t just for kids. Studies have shown playing games helps keep your mind sharper and may protect against dementia. If that’s not enough reason to play games with your friends, I don’t know what is.
  12. Imagination isn’t just for kids. It’s easy to tell what books and shows are written by adults and which are written by adults who haven’t grown up. The latter is more fun. Think about it. If every adult dropped their imagination, we’d have never gotten great books like Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.
  13. I like seeing the world through less jaded eyes. I know some of my views are jaded. You just can’t live for three decades without being a tiny bit disillusioned with the world. Still, the more I refuse to give in to adulthood, the more open-minded I am. It’s nice to still see a little good in the world.
  14. When I’m old and wrinkly, I’ll still seem young. I can’t prevent myself from getting older, so I might as well look forward to it. I know that by thinking and acting younger than my age, I’ll still seem much younger even when my face is covered in wrinkles, aka life experience lines.
Crystal Crowder is a freelance writer and blogger. She's a tech geek at heart, but loves telling it like it is when it comes to love, beauty and style. She's enjoys writing music, poetry and fiction and curling up with a great book. You can find her on Twitter @ccrowderwrites or check out her other writing on Medium.