How To Flirt With Guys Without Seeming Desperate Or Awkward

So, you’ve met a guy you’re interested in, but you’re not sure how to approach him. You don’t want to come on too strong and seem like some kind of weirdo, but you also want to make your interest clear so that he knows you’re interested. How do you strike a balance? Here are some ways to flirt with guys without seeming desperate or awkward.

  1. Don’t be afraid to make the first move. This alone is one of the most obvious ways to flirt with guys. If a man sees you like him enough to actually step out of your comfort zone to make a move, he’s likely going to be way more open to getting to know you in a romantic context. “People now know what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it, so if you think you may be interested in someone, feel empowered to make the first move and don’t hesitate to be the first one to initiate the flirting!” explains Shan Boodram, a certified sexologist and Sex & Relationships Expert for Bumble.
  2. Give them subtle compliments. Girls aren’t the only ones who should receive compliments! Guys also need an ego boost once in a while. One of the best ways to flirt with guys comes down to stroking their ego. Compliment him about something other than his body. This will come across as more friendly, instead of suggestive. For example, you can compliment his smile or his new haircut. It’s bound to make him feel good for a few days and you’ll be on his mind.
  3. Ask for their opinion on something. Guys love to help girls that they’re interested in. So, ask him for his opinion on something, such as clothing or what show you should watch next. He’ll enjoy sharing his expertise with you and you can also use that as an ice breaker. If you regularly ask for his opinion, he’ll get the hint and feel important in your life.
  4. Smile at them. Smiling is an easy way to flirt, as it doesn’t take much thought or preparation. It gives him a reason to approach you. The bonus is that it also makes you look prettier. Smiling is a low-risk way of flirting, too. Even if he doesn’t smile back, you don’t have to be embarrassed. You could have been smiling about something you remembered or something you just saw.
  5. Make eye contact. They say the eyes are the window to the soul. So, hold his gaze for a few seconds then look away. It’ll let him know that you like him without coming off as desperate. He’ll take notice of you and will want to continue grabbing your attention.
  6. Touch them subtly. Body language says a lot. Next time you’re near him, lean in and touch his arm subtly during conversation. Breaking the touch barrier is one way of letting him know you’re interested and if he is too, he’ll go crazy for it. Do it once or twice, so you won’t come off as too strong.
  7. Tell them you had fun hanging out. After you’ve hung out, it’s important to let him know that you enjoyed it so that he’ll invite you on another date. You can send him a quick text, such as, “I had a lot of fun tonight. We should do it again sometime.” This will definitely make him smile and it clarifies where you stand.

More ways to flirt with guys more naturally

  1. Ask them questions about themselves. Everyone likes it when another person shows interest in them. You can show your interest in him by asking him questions about himself. These may include questions about his hobbies, his friends, and his life.
  2. Invite them out with your friends. Do you know what his interests are? Maybe he’s into horror movies or baseball games. So, invite him out the next time you and your buddies are doing something which aligns with his interests. It won’t come across as too desperate since you’ll be around other people. It’s also a good way to check if he’ll get along with your friends.
  3. Like and comment on their photos. A little “like” goes a long way. Next time he posts a cute picture of himself on social media, show him that you noticed it! Even a comment is fine, as long as it’s nothing overbearing. He’ll appreciate this and it’ll let him know that you like him. Liking guys’ selfies is one of the best ways to flirt in 2022, as sad as that sounds.
  4. End the conversation first. In the middle of a great conversation? Keep it going for a while, but don’t wait until it dies down to end it. Leave it while it’s on a high note, and he’ll have a positive impression of you. If he feels like he had something to add, he’ll look forward to seeing you again so he can continue the conversation. It seems odd to say that shutting down a conversation is a good way to flirt with guys, but this actually works sometimes!
  5. Only send one text at a time. There’s an art to texting when you’re flirting. Double texting can come off as too strong. So, send only one text at a time and don’t worry about if he doesn’t respond. He may just be busy with work or school. Wait until he responds before you text again. Also, don’t feel the need to text back right away.
  6. Make fun of them. Remember when we were young? The way to show someone you liked them was to tease them. This can apply now that you’re an adult, too. Just be careful with it! You don’t want to come across as rude or actually hurt his feelings. A little teasing does go a long way, though. Jokey comments are a great way to flirt with guys, but you don’t wnat to go too far with it.
  7. Don’t overthink it. At the end of the day, trying to be something you think guys want is never going to get you anywhere. Instead, just be yourself and don’t worry about seeming “flirty” or coy. “With everything this world has been through in the last few years and is still going through, and really the state of our world, we are starved for honest and genuine connection,” says dating coach, Clara Artschwager. “Thinking, ‘OK, how do I flirt better?’ I think is the very thing that kills our ability to have that kind of interaction.” The best way to flirt with guys is to not actively flirt with them, if that makes sense.
Selena Singh-Russell is a freelance writer and former junior editor. She enjoys writing on a variety of topics, including health, travel and entertainment. She has been published on TheRichest, TheThings, Monsters & Critics, and in Chicken Soup for the Soul. When she isn't writing, you can catch her exploring new cities or baking.