Proud Stay-At-Home Girlfriend Sets Ground Rules Her Boyfriend Must Follow

A Michigan woman has revealed that she broke up with her boyfriend until he agreed to allow her to be a full-time stay-at-home girlfriend. Leaha Ureel, 22, is proud that she doesn’t work and is supported by her partner, and says she’d leave him again if he failed to follow her rules.

  1. Her boyfriend, Alan, wasn’t on board at first. She realized she didn’t want to work and wanted to be a kept woman, but Alan wasn’t feeling it for a while, so she dumped him. “I wanted time for myself and to have someone to provide for me,” Ureel said, as per NY Post. “Alan wasn’t able to provide for me at that point so we broke up.”
  2. Soon after, Alan came crawling back. The 23-year-old contractor decided to propose to Ureel. She accepted the proposal once he “stepped up to her standards.” Those standards include starting his own home-renovation business so that he can make enough cash to pamper her.
  3. That’s not all Alan does for her. In addition to taking care of her financially, he also has to do the heavy lifting when it comes to making an effort in the relationship. “He stepped up — now he arranges and takes me for dates at least twice a week. I like him to take initiative and book a restaurant for a meal or choose what we are doing,” Ureel said.
  4. So what does she actually do all day? Not a whole lot, really. “Now I go for walks with the dogs and spend lots of my time cooking,” she explained. “I love being a housewife, and I want others to know that it is OK to aspire to have this lifestyle.” However, the word “housewife” seems to be used pretty loosely here as it doesn’t seem that she does any housework and the pair have no children to raise. Hey, whatever works, I guess.

Jennifer Still is a writer and editor with more than 10 years of experience. The managing editor of Bolde, she has bylines in Vanity Fair, Business Insider, The New York Times, Glamour, Bon Appetit, and many more. You can follow her on Twitter @jenniferlstill