11 Telltale Signs He Is Afraid Of Losing You

We don’t always realize how valuable some things are until they’re gone. It’s the same case with love. You only realize that the man you were dating was great after he’s long gone. If you don’t want to be in that situation, you’d better start appreciating the good and positive side of your guy. If a guy does these things, they’re major signs that he loves you so much and he’s afraid of losing you.

  1. He’s jealous. A man who’s afraid of losing you will always be jealous (in a good way) whenever you’re in the company of other men. He might want to hold your hand in public or kiss you from the blues just to send a message to those around that you’re his girl.
  2. He tells you that he can’t imagine you not being in his life. You need no other signs to know that a guy is afraid of losing you if he’s basically saying exactly that in so many words. Just in case you don’t notice his actions, he goes the extra mile to tell you how much he loves you and how much he values having you in his life.
  3. He apologizes when he’s done something wrong. Now we know how some guys dread saying they’re sorry. They’d rather be buried alive than have to own up to their mistakes and apologize. How does your guy behave when he messes up? If he’s always quick to own up and shows remorse for hurting you, it’s one of the clearest signs that he’s afraid of losing you. He can’t let his pride destroy a relationship that he values and holds dear to his heart.
  4. He respects your boundaries. A guy who worries about losing you is okay with your boundaries and he makes sure that he doesn’t cross the line. He knows what irks you and avoids it. He won’t judge you or ridicule you for doing you and will agree to disagree where you have varying opinions. Whether it’s about money, family, or sex matters, he knows exactly where to draw the line.
  5. He listens to you. It doesn’t matter if you’re just venting or discussing something serious. If he doesn’t want to lose you, he’ll listen to you keenly because he values whatever you’ve to say. Whatever you say matters to him because your well-being and happiness are important to him.
  6. He spoils you rotten. If you’ve been wondering why your guy is always getting you gifts, taking you on countless vacations, and going all out to see you happy, you know the answer. He’s not trying to prove a point. He’s only doing what he feels that you deserve. He can’t lose you and if gifting is your love language, he’ll do it tirelessly to make sure that he doesn’t lose you.
  7. He does what you ask him to do. So long as whatever you’re asking him to do is doable, he’ll happily do it without complaining. Had an exhausting week and need a massage? He’ll do it with glee. A man who’s scared of losing you won’t resist or say no to your requests — it’s one of the biggest signs of his desire to keep you in his life. Just be sure to avoid taking such a person for granted because they also have their limits. Once they feel like they’re giving too much and receiving too little, their cups will only be filled with frustrations and that’s what they’ll pour.
  8. He creates time to be with you. A man who’s afraid of losing you will never give you all the BS about being too busy to be with you. In his very busy schedule, a man who can’t risk losing you will squeeze in some time to go on a date or just chill with you on the couch or something. He’s well aware that if he doesn’t treat you right, someone else will be more than willing to take his place. That’s not a threat but it’s just how things are. We create time to be with the people we badly want to be with.
  9. He makes things right. Every time there’s friction in your relationship, if your guy is afraid of losing you, he’ll put in the effort to make it work. Whether it means getting a third party or going for therapy to solve a problem in your relationship, he’s in for it. He’ll do whatever it takes to save your relationship and ensure that things move and the spark stays alive. This is one of the biggest signs that not only is he afraid of losing you but he’s dedicated to the relationship.
  10. He compliments you. And because actions only aren’t enough from someone who loves you, a guy who’s afraid of losing you will top everything up with compliments. He’ll remind you how beautiful you’re, how great you’re, and tell you all the nice things that tickle you. If you achieve something great in your career, he’ll be the first to commend you and encourage you to keep at it.
  11. He supports you. A supportive partner is a dream for many and if you’re lucky to have one, don’t take it for granted. A common sign he’s afraid of losing you is always supporting you. Whichever goals you set for yourself, a man who loves you will be behind you to ensure that you don’t lose track. When you seem to be losing focus, he’ll push you out of your comfort zone because he wants to see you win. He wants the best for you because you’re a part of him and there’s no way he’s losing you.
Lifestyle Content Writer/Mom/Nature lover