8 Reasons To Be Thankful He Broke Your Heart

8 Reasons To Be Thankful He Broke Your Heart ©iStock/Kontrec

He screwed you over and broke your heart, and you have every right to hate him for it — but was your breakup really such a bad thing? While it might be hard to see the silver lining right now, you actually should thank that loser —here’s why:

  1. You can finally see his true colors. He was living a lie as boyfriend of the year and now you can see him for who he really is — just another jerk. You can wish all you want that he isn’t the guy you now know him to be, but the truth is now that you see the real him, you don’t have to play the fool anymore.
  2. Your best days are yet to come. You’re one step closer to meeting The One, and that’s definitely worth celebrating. You had to ditch your ex to find your future, and now that he’s gone, you can.
  3. Your story isn’t over. Just because he turned out to be a jerk doesn’t mean every other guy will be. There’s one out there who’s ready and able to give you everything you’ve ever hoped for and more. This isn’t the end, so don’t count yourself out.
  4. You’re not with Mr. Wrong anymore. Just think about how many more years you could have wasted on the wrong guy. Cutting ties with your ex is the first step in finding Mr. Right. Life is short, so why would you want to waste any more time on a guy who isn’t your forever?
  5. Settling wouldn’t have made you happy. If you settled for your ex, you’d never have true happiness. You’re taking the toxicity out of your life. Your unhealthy relationship was holding you back and it was standing in the way of your happiness. But not anymore — now you’re free, and it might not feel so good at the moment, but eventually you’ll feel better than you ever have before.
  6. You’ll realize how strong you really are. If you can defeat heartbreak, you can do anything. You know what it’s like to be loved and you know the crush of learning that some loves don’t last forever. But you survived, and now that you’re ready to pick yourself back up and move on, you can conquer any other obstacles that might come your way.
  7. You’ll discover who you are and what you want. A breakup can be a reality check. You’re going to find out who you are as a single woman rather than settling as the other half of your ex. You’ve experienced a bad relationship, and now you can figure out what you actually liked about him and what you didn’t. Rather than ignoring problems until you’re too late, the next guy should check off every box from the very beginning.
  8. You’re no longer living in constant fear of the end. When you’re headed for a breakup, you see the signs, but you’re so afraid of being alone that you do nothing. Now you’re alone, and you realize that the single life isn’t so bad. You have time to explore, flirt and bask in the glory of freedom. After a while, you wonder why you were so afraid of the single life, because relationships aren’t all what they’re cracked up to be.
Kelsey Dykstra is a freelance writer based in Huntington Beach, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University and been writing professionally since graduating in 2013. In addition to writing about love and relationships for Bolde and lifestyle topics for Love to Know, she also writes about payment security and small business solutions for PaymentCloud.

Originally from Michigan, this warm weather seeker relocated to the OC just last summer. Kelsey enjoys writing her own fictional pieces, reading a variety of young adult novels, binging on Netflix, and of course soaking up the sun.

You can find more about Kelsey on her LinkedIn profile or on Twitter @dykstrakelsey.