If Someone Displays These 8 Behaviors, They Definitely Lack Integrity

If Someone Displays These 8 Behaviors, They Definitely Lack Integrity

People with integrity have a solid grasp on honesty and morality and they never sway from their beliefs. In other words, they’re the kind of upstanding individuals you want to work alongside and have in your personal life, too. On the flip side, those who lack integrity behave in ways that are frustrating, selfish, and ultimately harmful to be around. If you notice someone regularly doing these things, you might be better off steering clear.

1. They shy away from responsibility.

You’ve probably met someone who never seems to admit they’re wrong. They always find a way to pin the blame on someone else or something else. It’s like they have a built-in ‘not me’ shield. This isn’t just about not saying sorry; it’s a habit of never taking responsibility for their own mess-ups. It’s a trust thing – if they can’t own their mistakes, it’s hard to rely on them for the bigger stuff. Plus, it shows they’re not too keen on learning or growing from their slip-ups.

2. They don’t think much of breaking promises.

Then there are those who can’t seem to keep a promise. It’s not about the occasional missed coffee date; it’s about consistently letting people down. We’re talking about a pattern of “Yeah, sure, I’ll do it,” followed by… crickets. It’s frustrating and shows they don’t really take others’ time or trust seriously. This kind of behavior makes it tough to count on them for anything important. It sends a message that their word isn’t worth much, which can really strain any relationship.

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4. They’re always lying about something, no matter how small.

Let’s talk about those who have a habit of bending the truth, even over small stuff. They might exaggerate a story or fib about why they’re late. Sure, it might not seem like a big deal at first, but it’s about the bigger picture of trust. If they’re quick to spin a yarn over little things, you start wondering what else they’re not straight about. It’s like trying to build a house on shaky ground – without honesty, trust just doesn’t have a solid foundation.

5. They’re masters of manipulation.

Some people have a knack for twisting situations to their benefit. They might play on your emotions or twist facts just to get what they want. It’s not always obvious; sometimes, it’s subtle, like guilt-tripping or saying things they don’t really mean. This kind of behavior is all about them, their needs, and their wants, without much thought for how it affects others. It’s a real deal-breaker for trust, as you never know if they’re being genuine or just looking out for number one.

6. They blur ethical lines.

You know those people who don’t think twice about cutting corners or bending rules to suit themselves? That’s a big integrity no-go. It’s not just about major rule-breaking; it’s about those little choices where they ignore what’s right for something easier or more beneficial for them. This kind of behavior sends a signal that they’re not too concerned about what’s right or wrong. Over time, this can lead to bigger issues and really makes others question their moral compass. It’s about the little choices that add up, showing what they really value.

7. They don’t treat other people very well.

Then there are folks who just don’t treat others well. Whether they’re talking over someone, ignoring their opinions, or just acting like they’re better than everyone else, it’s a sign of poor integrity. It’s more than just bad manners; it’s about not valuing others as much as they value themselves. This kind of attitude can really damage relationships and create a negative vibe around them. People tend to back away from those who can’t show basic respect, leading to strained or shallow relationships.

8. They say one thing and do another.

Ever met someone whose actions don’t line up with their words? They might talk a good game about their values, but then you see them doing the exact opposite. This mismatch is a red flag. It makes it hard to trust them because you never know if they’re for real. This inconsistency can be really confusing and frustrating, making it tough for others to take them seriously. It’s all about walking the talk – and when they don’t, it speaks volumes.

9. They take advantage of people.

Lastly, there’s exploiting others when they’re down. Some people use sensitive information or emotional moments to their advantage. It’s pretty low, showing a serious lack of empathy and respect. This behavior not only hurts the person on the receiving end but also damages the trust others have in them. It’s a breach of the basic understanding of treating others fairly, and it can really tarnish how people see them in the long run.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.