The Only Requirement You Should Have For A Guy Is That He Knows How To Love You Well

I don’t have impossible standards. I’m not looking for Prince Charming or a knight in shining armor to come riding in on a white horse and sweep me off my feet — not only is that unrealistic, it’s not what I want. At the end of the day, I don’t care about finding a guy who’s perfect — I just want a man who loves me.

  1. Perfection is overrated. Actually dating a perfect man would be boring AF and overly predictable — I want excitement. There’s nothing interesting about a perfect person. No flaws, no passion, no adventure, just perfect temperament? I’ll pass. I want the chaos and spontaneity that comes with love. That doesn’t mean I want drama, but I do want a little bit of variation.
  2. I’m far from flawless. I’m not perfect and neither is anyone else, so why would I expect something from my partner that I know I can’t achieve myself? Looking for perfection is hypocritical. I’ll never be the perfect girl, so I won’t the right guy for me to be the perfect man.
  3. I just want to be treated right. I’m not asking for a whole lot. I don’t have an exact picture in my mind of the man I want to be with. What I do know about the man of my dreams is that he’s going to treat me right. I’m over the bad boy dating BS. I’m over having to beg a guy to give AF about me and our relationship. I don’t want perfection, but I do deserve a man who will try his hardest to treat me right.
  4. I need a man who loves me for me. We’ve already established that I have my flaws, so you know what I need? A man who will love me flaws and all. He’s not perfect and that’s great — he needs to feel the same about me too. I’m going to make mistakes and sometimes I’ll get on his nerves, but at the end of the day, I just need him to love me anyway.
  5. I want a man who’s not afraid to be himself. I’m sick of guys who treat women like crap because they’re trying to be “cool,” but I’m also fed up with men who try to act perfect all the time. I want a man who isn’t going to worry about impressing people. I want a man who I can love for exactly the person he is. It can be hard to show the world who you really are, but that’s the only way I can love the real you.
  6. I know love isn’t all sunshine and roses. I might love fairytales and the epic love stories created by Hollywood, but that’s just entertainment, not reality. I’m not expecting extravagant dates or for you to shower me in diamonds. I just want a normal boyfriend. Things won’t always be easy, but as long as you love me, we can get through anything.
  7. I’m looking for humility. I want a man who can laugh at himself. I don’t want some narcissist who thinks he’s God’s gift to women and totally flawless in every way. We all have our downfalls and negative qualities, and I truly believe the best people know how to recognize that and also poke fun at it. We won’t be perfect, but we’ll be happy, and isn’t that what really matters?
  8. If he’s too “perfect” that’s pretty damn intimidating. I’m not a self-conscious person; I’m confident in who I am and I love myself. That being said, I’m definitely far from perfect and I’m okay with that. I don’t want to have to live up to the standards of perfection. I definitely believe in self-growth, but I love who I am and I have no desire to strive for something as boring (and impossible) as perfection. No one needs a stress like that.
  9. I don’t care what my love looks like to other people. I don’t want to ever pretend I have the perfect relationship, because that’s just not realistic. People fight and disagree, and that’s a natural part of a relationship and of life. We won’t have the perfect relationship, but we’ll have a loving relationship, and as long as we have that, all other opinions are irrelevant.
  10. I just want real love. I don’t want a man who always says the right thing. I just want a man who tries. I want a man who treats me with respect and never stops trying to make me happy. I don’t want flowers every day or a white carriage. I just want a man who will promise to love me the best he can, and I’ll love him back just the same.
Kelsey Dykstra is a freelance writer based in Huntington Beach, CA. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from Grand Valley State University and been writing professionally since graduating in 2013. In addition to writing about love and relationships for Bolde and lifestyle topics for Love to Know, she also writes about payment security and small business solutions for PaymentCloud.

Originally from Michigan, this warm weather seeker relocated to the OC just last summer. Kelsey enjoys writing her own fictional pieces, reading a variety of young adult novels, binging on Netflix, and of course soaking up the sun.

You can find more about Kelsey on her LinkedIn profile or on Twitter @dykstrakelsey.