Why Your Friends Need To Like The Guys You Date

Our girlfriends are among the most important people in our lives. They’re always there to laugh over a shared memory, to rehash even the smallest details of a date and make our lives more fun. So it makes sense that we would want our friends to be on board with the new guy in our world. We often believe that our friends and family shouldn’t get involved because we know what we want, yet there are some important reasons why your BFFs should like who you’re dating.

  1. Your friends have your happiness in mind. If they know you’re not beaming when they see you with your new BF, listen to them.
  2. Your friends can see what you can’t. When you’re in your new relationship bubble, it’s all sunshine and summer nights and everything feels so much more fun and interesting. But when you’re out for drinks in a group that includes your new guy, you may be staring lovingly at the cute way he orders beer, and your friends are noticing how he never laughs at your jokes or lets you finish a sentence. You already appreciate your friends for being such strong women, so let them be your eyes and ears.
  3. You’re used to doing the same for your BFFs. Think about the first time you met your friend’s boyfriend. You were silently judging him, right? You just wanted to make sure it was the best match so she didn’t get hurt. Accept that your friends want the same for you.
  4. Things can get pretty awkward. There are so many social things that we get invited to, from parties to nights at a bar to launches to BBQs. And, of course, you want to bring the person you’re seeing to them. If your friends hate him, things will get less than fun fast.
  5. Your friends remember everything, even if you don’t. If your new boyfriend shares traits with your ex, you might be willing to move past it and think it will work out differently this time around. Your friends have amazing memories, thankfully, and will remind you that the worst might happen this time, too. You want the kind of friends who would never lie.
  6. You want to be able to dish to your friends. Nothing stops girl talk faster than your friends making it clear they want nothing to do with the guy you’re so into. Part of the fun of a new relationship is sharing the milestones with the people in your life.
  7. Without your friends’ support, you will feel pretty lonely. You might be mad at them for telling the truth and be tempted to freeze them out, and then you’ll be left alone. Lana Del Rey may sing “They say the world was built for two” but really, a life without friends is not a life
  8. You don’t want to change the friendship. You need the comfort and support from your friends and you don’t want to jeopardize that in any way. If they’re feeling 100 percent about him, they may not be there for you 100 percent, either, and you’ll miss that bond.
  9. You want a drama-free life. Ultimately you’re in charge of your journey but if the people close to you aren’t living in harmony, then there’s going to be unwanted stress and anxiety. Try your best to ensure that everyone gets along to avoid some pretty big fights. Doesn’t having zero drama sound good?
Aya Tsintziras is a freelance lifestyle writer and editor from Toronto, Canada. In addition to writing about dating and relationships for Bolde, she also writes about movies, TV, and video games for ScreenRant and GameRant. She has a Political Science degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Journalism from Ryerson University. You can find her on Twitter @ayatsintziras and on Instagram @aya.tsintziras.