“Am I Toxic?” 29 Clear Signs You’re Toxic To Everyone Around You

You probably think you’re a pretty good person, and you likely are. However, there’s always the chance that you have certain personality traits that aren’t just negative, they’re downright toxic. Instead of casting the blame elsewhere, it’s time to get real with yourself. Here’s how you know you’re toxic to everyone around you and need to change your behavior.

1. You’re always criticizing people.

Husband and wife are arguing at home. Angry man is yelling at his wife.

Look, we’ve all got opinions. But if you’re constantly picking at people, from their hair choices to their movie tastes, it’s a sign you might be going overboard. Everyone’s allowed their taste, and if you’re always the one with a snarky comment or an eye-roll, you’re broadcasting negative vibes. That constant rain on everyone’s parade? It’s draining, and people will start to feel they can never please you.

2. You engage in manipulative behavior.

Ever found yourself playing the victim card or guilt-tripping someone to get your way? We all have our moments, but if it’s your go-to strategy, that’s not cool. People aren’t chess pieces. Pulling their strings and always trying to control the game? It messes with trust, big time.

4. You’re guilty of jealousy and envy.

Front view of angry man and woman sitting on the sofa, with arms crossed, after they had a fight due to relationship difficulties. Young woman is looking at her boyfriend, who is looking away.

Jealousy’s a natural feeling – we all get a bit green-eyed now and then. But if you’re constantly sour because someone else got the promotion, the guy, or just a new handbag, it’s a problem. No one wants to walk on eggshells, scared that sharing their good news might set you off.

5. You’re always causing drama.

Life isn’t a reality TV show. If you’re always center stage with some new chaos or gossip, it’s exhausting for everyone around you. Stirring the pot might be fun for a second, but over time, it just gets old. People want peace, not another episode of your personal soap opera.

6. You’re self-centered.

Taking care of yourself? Totally essential. Making everything about you? Not so much. If every conversation circles back to your problems, your weekend, or your dog, you’re hogging the spotlight. Balance is the name of the game. Make space for others’ stories too.

7. You refuse to take responsibility for your actions.

Look, nobody’s perfect. We all screw up. But if your mantra is, “It wasn’t me,” or “They started it,” then there’s some self-reflection needed. Owning up isn’t about taking the fall; it’s about growing up. If you’re always dodging the blame, folks will start to think you’re playing games. Not only that, but they’ll think you’re toxic (and you probably are).

8. You don’t know how to communicate.

Communication is more than just talking. If you find yourself shouting over people, or shutting down the minute things get heated, there’s room for improvement. Everyone deserves to be heard, including you. But, like in any game, there are rules. If you’re interrupting, avoiding, or always waiting for your turn to speak without really listening, you’re not really communicating. Building bridges takes effort. Think about it: do you want to just make noise, or do you want to be understood and understand others?

9. You hold grudges.

We’ve all been there – someone does us wrong, and we swear we’ll never forget it. But if your mental real estate is full of grudges that are years old, that’s not healthy. Grudges are like anchors, weighing you down and keeping you from moving forward. Plus, continually bringing up old stuff in new arguments? That’s not fighting fair. Remember, people can change, and everyone deserves a second shot.

10. You have a serious lack of boundaries.

If you’re the type who always goes through your partner’s phone, or can’t understand why your coworker needs personal space, you might have a boundary issue. Respecting boundaries is about understanding that everyone has their own personal bubble. Invading that space, physically or emotionally, isn’t okay.

11. You resort to passive-aggressive behavior often.

Ever given someone the silent treatment? Or said “I’m fine” when you’re clearly not? That’s passive-aggressive behavior, and it’s a roundabout way of expressing dissatisfaction. While it might feel safer than direct confrontation, it’s like setting a slow-burning fuse. It confuses people, creates tension, and prolongs issues. If something’s bothering you, muster up the courage and address it head-on. Your relationships will thank you for it.

12. You play the victim.

Life throws curveballs, no doubt about it. But if you’re always on the receiving end, always being “targeted” or “singled out,” you might be playing the perpetual victim. It’s an easy way to garner sympathy and avoid responsibility, but it’s not a good look in the long run.

Being resilient doesn’t mean you can’t acknowledge when you’re hurt, but it does mean recognizing that not everything is a personal attack. Don’t make yourself the main character in a tragedy. Empower yourself, and remember, you have agency in your own story.

13. You’re always so negative.

upset girlfriend with boyfriend on bench

Everyone has their off days, sure. But if your default setting is ‘cloudy with a chance of pessimism,’ it might be time to take notice. Being perpetually negative can not only affect your mental well-being, but it can drain those around you too. Think about it: would you want to hang out with a Debbie Downer all the time? Probably not.

It’s okay to vent occasionally, but if you’re always seeing the glass as half-empty, it might be pushing people away. Remember, positivity is not about ignoring life’s problems, but approaching them with optimism and hope.

14. You thrive on being in control.

Angry man and woman quarreling on street

We all like to have a grip on things, but there’s a fine line between being organized and being a control freak. If you constantly need to oversee everything, can’t delegate tasks, or find it hard to trust others with decisions, it can come off as domineering. It’s like being that backseat driver nobody wants on a road trip. Relationships, friendships, and work dynamics flourish when there’s mutual trust. And here’s the kicker: sometimes, letting go a little can be surprisingly liberating.

15. You engage in emotional manipulation.

Discussion of three angry friends arguing in a coffee shop

Let’s cut to the chase: manipulation, in any form, isn’t cool. If you find yourself guilt-tripping people, making them feel bad for things they shouldn’t, or twisting words and situations to your favor, that’s emotional manipulation. Relationships should be built on trust, mutual respect, and open communication. If you’re using someone’s emotions as a puppet string, you’re damaging the bond. Let’s face it: genuine connections can’t thrive in manipulative soils.

16. You talk to and about yourself like garbage.

woman with head in hands while boyfriend shouts

Self-deprecation can be humorous in moderation. But if every self-comment is a put-down, that’s concerning. How you talk about yourself reflects how you value yourself. If you’re always the punchline, others may start to believe it too. It’s crucial to realize that your words, even about yourself, have weight. Being your own biggest critic can also signal to others that it’s okay to treat you poorly. Know your worth, and don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself.

17. None of your relationships ever last.

Young couple looking at each other angrily while sitting apart in the living room sofa after having an ugly fight because of their relationship problems

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room. Relationships end for countless reasons. But if there’s a recurring pattern where you’re always the common denominator in these endings, it’s worth a reflection. It doesn’t mean you’re a terrible person, but perhaps there are patterns in your behavior that affect your relationships. Whether it’s trust issues, communication barriers, or anything else, recognizing them is the first step to breaking the cycle.

18. You’re only nice when it benefits you.

Two businesswomen talking and discussing in office. Female colleagues sitting on couch. Work teamwork people job concept

There’s a word for that: opportunistic. Being kind just because you want something in return is like giving someone a gift but with strings attached. Real kindness comes from the heart, not for a payback. If you’re always in “what’s in it for me?” mode, you might come off as insincere or, worse, manipulative. Being genuinely kind without expecting something in return can actually be super rewarding in itself. Plus, people can usually sniff out fake niceties from a mile away.

19. You find it hard to celebrate other people’s success.

businessman standing too close to female colleauges

It’s a tough pill to swallow, but if your friend’s promotion or your colleague’s success makes you cringe rather than cheer, that’s a sign. Life isn’t a zero-sum game; someone else’s win isn’t your loss. If you often feel threatened or overshadowed by others’ achievements, it’s essential to reflect on why. Because, real talk, being genuinely happy for others can feel like a mini win for yourself too.

20. You dominate every conversation you’re a part of.

man and woman with coffee talking outsideiStock

We’ve all met that person who turns every chat into a monologue. If you’re frequently cutting people off, redirecting the topic to yourself, or just not giving others a chance to pitch in, it’s kinda like hogging the conversational spotlight. Active listening is a skill that’s more crucial than many realize. Remember, conversations are a two-way street, and sometimes, being a good listener can make you a better friend or partner.

21. You’re never your authentic self.

woman telling her friend some gossip

Constantly wearing a mask is exhausting. If you’re always tailoring your personality based on who you’re with, it can feel like you’re leading multiple lives. Whether it’s trying to fit in, fear of judgment, or a myriad of other reasons, not being your genuine self can strain your relationships and self-worth. It’s like being an actor in your own life. But here’s some food for thought: the people who love the real you? They’re the ones worth keeping around.

22. You don’t know how to accept constructive criticism.

Constructive feedback? More like a personal attack, right? At least, that’s how it can feel sometimes. If you’re someone who takes every bit of advice or criticism as an assault on your character, that’s a red flag. While it’s natural to be defensive now and then, consistently pushing back against feedback without considering its merit is like wearing blinders. Here’s a truth bomb: sometimes, the outside perspective can be the kick in the pants we need to grow.

23. You have a constant need for validation.

Picture this. You change your profile pic and don’t get “enough” likes, so you’re sulking the rest of the day. Sounds a tad extreme, but if you’re always seeking approval or praise from others to feel good about yourself, it’s a sign. Continuously fishing for compliments or reassurance? Yep, that’s part of it too. Relying too heavily on external validation is like building a house on sand; it’s shaky at best. True confidence? It starts from within.

24. You secretly (or not-so-secretly) think you’re better than other people.

Okay, let’s get real. If you’re always looking down your nose at others, believing you’re superior or more deserving, it’s a problem. This isn’t about having self-confidence; it’s about disregarding the worth and experiences of those around you. Everyone is fighting their own battles, and no one’s journey is “less than.” Being humble doesn’t mean thinking less of yourself; it’s about thinking of yourself less.

25. Your behavior is erratic.

psycho quiz

Ever been told you’re like a human roller coaster? If your mood or behavior changes like the wind and people around you are always on edge, not knowing which version of you they’ll get, it’s concerning. Sure, we all have our ups and downs, but if you’re lashing out and then being super sweet with no apparent reason, it can be emotionally draining for those around you. Stability is underrated; it might be time to find a more even keel.

26. You’re always gossiping about people.

If you’re the first to spill the tea and share all the juicy deets, it might be time to put a lid on it. Gossip might seem harmless or even fun in the moment, but it breeds negativity. And worse? It ruins relationships. If you’re frequently the one stirring the pot or constantly talking behind others’ backs, you’re likely causing more harm than you think. Healthy conversations don’t revolve around someone else’s business.

27. You talk down to people.

Multi ethnic couple in living room drinking coffee or tea and expressing negative emotions

If you often catch yourself speaking to others in a condescending tone, like you’re on a high horse and they’re just scrambling at the bottom, that’s a major problem. Everyone deserves respect, regardless of their role or relationship to you. Belittling others doesn’t elevate your status; it just shines a light on your insecurities. Remember, real strength is shown through kindness and understanding.

28. You blame everyone else for all of your problems.

Caucasian woman assistant talking and discussing work to businesswoman.

Newsflash: if you think the world’s out to get you and it’s always someone else’s fault when things go sideways, you might be the common denominator. While it’s human nature to deflect blame sometimes, consistently pointing fingers without taking any responsibility? That’s a one-way ticket to No-Accountability-Ville. Personal growth starts with acknowledging our own mistakes.

29. You never apologize even when you’re clearly in the wrong.

A young couple is sitting on the sofa in the living room, emotionally arguing about important things, discussing problems in the relationship, they cannot come to an agreement

“Sorry” seems to be the hardest word, right? If you find it challenging to apologize, even when you know deep down you messed up, that’s a big red flag. Holding onto pride at the expense of relationships isn’t a good look. Swallowing your pride and admitting you were wrong can be humbling, but it’s also a sign of maturity and respect.

30. You only care about yourself.

Young couple sitting on the sofa discussing at home.

If your world revolves solely around you and your needs, pushing everyone else to the sidelines, you’re missing out on genuine connections. Relationships are a two-way street — that’s called reciprocity. If you’re only showing up when it benefits you, or if every convo turns into a “me, myself, and I” scenario, you might be drifting into toxic territory.

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Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.