Clever Ways To Handle A Conversation With A Narcissist

Clever Ways To Handle A Conversation With A Narcissist

We all know someone who makes everything about themselves. But sometimes, it goes deeper than just being annoying. If you have a friend, family member, or coworker who constantly puts themselves first and struggles to see your perspective, there are ways to cope. This guide offers strategies to navigate conversations with narcissists in a way that protects your own emotional well-being.

1. They crave attention, so don’t give them too much.

Narcissists thrive on feeling important. Oversharing details of your life, or getting super emotional, just fuels the fire. Keep things factual and surface-level if you can. Think of it like not giving a hungry troll any snacks – eventually, they get bored and wander off.

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2. “Grey rocking” is your friend.

Think of it like becoming the most boring person in the room. Short, neutral responses shut down their attempts to get a rise out of you. Grey rocking is surprisingly effective. It’s like they’re looking for a juicy emotional reaction, and you’re just handing them a stale cracker instead.

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3. Set firm boundaries (and stick to them).

Narcissists love to test limits. Be clear about what you will and won’t tolerate. Then, don’t budge if they try to push – it’s about showing them you won’t be manipulated. Imagine putting up a little invisible shield – their attempts can bounce right off without getting to you.

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4. Don’t expect them to see your point of view.

Trying to reason with a narcissist is often pointless. They lack the empathy to truly consider things from your perspective. Save your energy for people who actually care about your feelings. It’s frustrating, but sometimes the best bet is to just nod and move on mentally.

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5. “That’s interesting” is a powerful phrase.

Need a neutral way to shut down bragging or self-centered stories? “That’s interesting” followed by changing the subject throws them off guard. It doesn’t engage them, but doesn’t give them the argument they might be looking for either. Think of it like a verbal ninja move – swift and painless (for you).

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6. Look for the pattern behind the behavior.

Narcissists are often deeply insecure, Psychology Today reveals, and that’s why they need constant validation. Understanding this helps you detach emotionally, so their comments sting less. It’s not an excuse for their behavior, but seeing them as an insecure little kid throwing a tantrum can help you maintain perspective.

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7. Walk away when you need to.

You’re not obligated to engage in a conversation that’s going nowhere. Simply excusing yourself, even temporarily, can reset the dynamic and give you some breathing room. Sometimes “I need a bathroom break” is the healthiest out you can find.

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8. It’s okay to use a little strategic flattery.

This feels manipulative, but sometimes it’s the path of least resistance. A quick, superficial compliment can appease them enough to move the conversation along. Just don’t overdo it, or they’ll sense you’re being insincere, and that’s way worse.

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9. Focus on what you can control.

You can’t change a narcissist, but you can control how you react and how much energy you give to the situation. That’s where your power lies. Remind yourself, they can try to push your buttons, but you’re the only one who decides if they actually work.

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10. They tend to twist your words, so be careful.

Choose what you say carefully because they love to take things out of context. The less you say, the less ammunition they have to use against you. Think of it like playing a game where you try to reveal as little information as possible…even if they keep trying to trick you.

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11. Criticism is almost inevitable, so be prepared.

Narcissists often put people down to feel superior. Don’t take the bait! Their criticisms usually say more about them than they do about you. Imagine their nasty words just bouncing off an invisible shield you put up – don’t let them stick. Try to remember that they put others down because it makes them feel temporarily better about themselves.

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12. Don’t get dragged into their drama triangle.

Narcissists love to play the victim, the persecutor, and rescuer roles, Well+Good notes, often with the goal of making you feel crazy. Refuse to play their game. It’s tempting to try to fix things or defend yourself, but the best move is often staying out of the triangle altogether. Their games only work if you’re willing to be a player.

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13. “We’ll have to agree to disagree” can help.

A good way to end circular arguments is a simple, “We’ll have to agree to disagree.” It acknowledges their viewpoint (briefly) without having to concede defeat. Sometimes, it’s the verbal equivalent of a graceful exit. Plus, it reminds you that you don’t have to win every argument, especially one that’s unlikely to go anywhere constructive.

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14. Validation can go a long way (even if you don’t agree).

Phrases like “I hear what you’re saying” validate their feelings without validating their behavior. It’s surprisingly disarming for a narcissist. Think of it like showing them you see them as a person, even if you don’t like what they’re doing. It subtly reminds them that they can’t control you, even when they’re trying really hard to do so.

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15. Sometimes, humor can deflect their nonsense.

If you can pull it off, a lighthearted, slightly sarcastic response can derail their attempts to bait you, but it takes practice to master this without sounding aggressive. Humor disrupts their seriousness; they want a reaction, and a chuckle throws them off balance. If you can make them laugh at themselves just a little, even better.

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16. Surround yourself with genuinely supportive people.

Dealing with a narcissist is exhausting. Make sure you have people who build you up to balance out the toxicity because let’s face it, sometimes you need someone to vent to who actually gets it. Your support system is what will get you through the tough days.

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17. Ask yourself “Is this worth it?”.

There are times it’s best to minimize contact with a narcissist, if possible. Your mental health matters more than constantly having to navigate their ego. It’s a hard question to ask yourself, but an important one. Ultimately, your well-being has to come first.

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18. Help is available if you need it.

Living or working with a narcissist can take a serious toll. If you’re struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out to a therapist or counselor for support. You don’t have to handle this alone. Sometimes, the best way to get through a difficult situation is with the help of a professional.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.