12 Conversational Clues That You Struggle With Emotional Intelligence

Mastering the art of social interactions takes time, and it’s harder for some than others. However, by paying attention and really listening to people, it gets a lot easier to navigate conversations and situations without committing a social faux pas. That being said, if you relate to any of the following, you struggle with emotional intelligence and need to brush up on your skills ASAP.

1. You seriously don’t know how to read the room.

couple chatting at a cafe

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So, you’re in the middle of a conversation and totally miss the fact that your friend is upset. They might as well be waving a giant red flag saying, “Hey, I’m not okay!” But you? You’re clueless. This happens when you’re so wrapped up in your own world that you miss the subtle (and sometimes not-so-subtle) emotional cues. Reading the room isn’t just a fancy phrase – it’s about noticing if someone’s smile doesn’t quite reach their eyes or if their laugh is a bit too forced.

2. Sarcasm completely flies over your head.

two friends walking outside in city

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Picture this: Someone throws a sarcastic comment your way, and whoosh – it goes right over your head. You take it literally, missing the eye roll that came with it. Sarcasm can be tricky, but it’s a huge part of how people communicate their frustrations or joke around. Not catching it can lead to some awkward moments or misunderstandings. It’s not just about the words; it’s the tone, the facial expressions, the whole package.

3. Jokes go over like a lead balloon.

woman looking blankly at man talking

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Ever been the last one laughing at a joke – or worse, not laughing at all? If you often find yourself confused when everyone else is cracking up, it might be a sign. Humor often has an emotional undertone, whether it’s irony, exaggeration, or playing on expectations. Missing these nuances can leave you out of the loop, wondering why everyone else finds it so funny.

4. You’re really bad at comforting people.

couple sitting on hammock chatting

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You’re there, patting your friend awkwardly on the back while they’re upset, and you have no idea what to say or do. Comforting people is about understanding what they’re feeling and responding in a way that helps, not just standing there like a robot. If offering comfort feels like solving a complex math problem, it’s a hint that emotional understanding isn’t your strong suit.

6. Your “advice” is always totally off the mark.

two female friends chatting over coffee

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Here’s the scene: Your friend comes to you with a problem, and your advice ends up making them feel worse. Ouch. It’s like you’re reading from a manual for a different life model. Giving good advice isn’t just about fixing the problem; it’s about understanding what the person is feeling and what they need to hear. If your advice often misses the mark, it’s time to tune in more to the emotional side of things.

7. You send emotionally tone-deaf texts.

woman texting outside on steps

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Ever sent a text that was meant to be funny but ended up offending the other person? Texting without understanding the emotional context can be like walking through a minefield blindfolded. Sure, emojis help, but they can’t replace understanding the mood behind the words. If your texts often get misinterpreted, it might be a sign to rethink how you’re communicating.

8. You miss out on social cues.

woman laughing at her friend group

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Imagine you’re chatting away, and you don’t realize the other person is trying to end the conversation. They’re glancing at their watch, inching towards the door, but you? You just keep talking. Missing these social cues is like being on a different wavelength. People communicate a lot without words – through body language, gestures, and facial expressions. Not picking up on these can make interactions a bit awkward.

9. Your reactions sometimes don’t match the situation.

woman in business meeting looking stressed

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So, you laugh when someone shares bad news or respond with a flat “okay” to exciting news. Your reactions don’t match the situation, and it throws people off. It’s not that you’re mean or uncaring; it’s just that your emotional responses are out of sync with what’s expected. It’s like you’re dancing to a different tune while everyone else is in harmony.

10. You’re as subtle as a brick.

smiling woman talking on phone while walking

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You’re either zero or a hundred – there’s no in-between. If you’re happy, you’re ecstatic; if you’re sad, it’s the end of the world. Life’s emotions aren’t just loud or silent; there are nuances and subtleties. If your emotional responses are always at the extremes, it suggests a lack of understanding of the emotional spectrum. Life’s feelings come in many shades, not just black and white.

11. You don’t respect people’s personal space

businessman standing too close to female colleauges

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If you’re always getting too close for comfort without realizing it, that’s a sign. Invading someone’s personal space without noticing their discomfort shows a gap in your emotional understanding. It’s about respecting boundaries and being aware of how your physical presence affects other people.

12. You find it hard to empathize with what people are going through.

couple having serious conversation at pub

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When friends share their problems, you’re more puzzled than supportive. You struggle to put yourself in their shoes and see things from their perspective. Empathy isn’t just a fancy word; it’s about connecting with people’s feelings. If empathizing feels like trying to understand an alien language, it’s a clue that emotional understanding isn’t your forte.

13. You take everything the wrong way.

angry guy upset with girlfriend

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Here’s the deal: Someone’s upset, and you assume they’re just tired. Or they’re quiet, and you think they’re bored. You often misinterpret people’s emotions, leading to some pretty off-base assumptions. Understanding emotions isn’t just about noticing them; it’s about correctly interpreting what they mean. Get it wrong, and you’re in a different story altogether.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.