Half Of Couples Pee In Front Of Each Other To ‘Strengthen Bond,’ Survey Says

Half Of Couples Pee In Front Of Each Other To ‘Strengthen Bond,’ Survey Says iStock

While it’s important to be comfortable with your partner and accept one another’s humanity, there are also some bodily functions that should be done privately, like pooping or even peeing. However, a recent survey of 1,025 Europeans and Americans by QS Supplies found that 50% of people happily pee in front of their partner and consider it a bonding experience.

  1. Couples take part in some really gross things together. The purpose of the survey was to discover how many of these ‘gross’ things couples are actually comfortable with. Peeing while your partner is in the room came in at the top of the list, with 50% of men and 51% of women surveyed admitting to doing it.
  2. Nearly the same amount of people are cool discussing poop with their partners. Strangely, only 41% of men feel cool with defecation talk while 53% of women are fine with it. That’s actually sort of heartening to read since I don’t think it’s anything to be ashamed about. We all poop!
  3. Scent is a big deal too. An average of 43% of respondents said that they’ve sniffed their partner to see if they’re stinky and 42% said they’ve used their partner’s deodorant. That’s only vaguely gross since bar deodorants come in contact with skin, but I guess if you’re comfortable having sex with someone, sharing some Degree is no big deal.
  4. People are cool with popping pimples and plucking stray hairs. A quarter of respondents said they’ve engaged in these behaviors with a partner, which is shockingly low. Why wouldn’t you help your partner out if they were growing a wonky hair out of their chin or nose or if they had a gnarly whitehead?
  5. Some people do go too far, however… Insanely, an average of 24% of people admitted to pooping in front of their partners and 23% admitted to using a partner’s toothbrush. People, come on! There need to be some boundaries in place here!
  6. That’s not all couples are getting up to either. Other gross behaviors respondents took part in include cleaning a partner’s ears and grooming their pubic hair, intentionally burping and farting on them, checking them for boogers, picking stuff out of their teeth, and wiping their nose.
  7. The least common but still way too prevalent behavior is the worst. Shockingly, 6% of respondents said they’ve wiped their partner’s butt at some point. WHAT? Unless they’ve been incapacitated by illness or injury, this should not be a thing.
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