Florida Woman In Motorized Wheelchair Robbed Bank After Threatening To Kill Staff

Florida Woman In Motorized Wheelchair Robbed Bank After Threatening To Kill Staff

A Florida woman was arrested shortly after robbing a bank in Jacksonville while in a motorized wheelchair, News4Jax reports. The bank, which was located only a few blocks away from the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, was robbed just before noon on February 22, but sadly the woman didn’t make it very far with her takings as she was arrested shortly after.

wheelchair robbery

  1. The incident took place at the Regions Bank branch on Bay Street near Laura Street. Kenyeitta Gordon is said to have turned up at the bank to discuss applying overdraft protection to her account, but an argument with a staff member broke out when she tried to withdraw money and was unable to do so. Things escalated and resulted in the robbery after Gordon threatened to kill everyone there and proclaimed she was robbing the place.
  2. The 39-year-old made off $100. The teller did the right thing by handing over money to Gordon, though she clearly didn’t make off with much. However, after receiving it, she left the bank in her motorized wheelchair without much incident.
  3. The robber didn’t have any weapons. Authorities say no weapons were seen or used during the robbery and that no one was hurt during the incident, which is one relief. However, no doubt staff was left feeling shaken up by what happened, not to mention confused as to how what should have been a normal transaction with a customer turned into a robbery.
  4. The woman was apprehended shortly after. Police discovered her only a few blocks away wearing the same clothes and in the wheelchair. When arresting her, they discovered she also had a crack pipe in her possession. According to Action News Jacksonville, she was charged with strong arm robbery and use/possession with intent to use drug paraphernalia. She is due in court shortly and could face time in prison if convicted.
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