Time Isn’t The Only Thing That Will Heal You After Heartbreak — These 11 Things Will Too

Time supposedly heals all wounds, but it’s far from the only thing that can help you to heal from heartbreak. When you’re going through a breakup or dealing with a broken heart, there are a whole bunch of things you can do to help you heal. While feeling better again might just be a matter of time, you can definitely make some powerful moves to push yourself in the right direction. Check out these 11 things that will heal you after a loss.

  1. Self-care Looking after yourself is always important. But this is even more relevant when your heart is broken. Don’t be afraid to give yourself a little extra TLC in the days, weeks, and even months following a breakup. Treat yourself like you’re worth loving, because you are. Allocate time to pampering yourself and meeting your physical, mental, and emotional needs. You deserve it!
  2. Reading breakup books The good thing about heartbreak is that it’s definitely not a unique experience. Most people on this planet will go through it sooner or later. Take advice from some of them by reading a book or two on breakups. You might choose a book that details a how-to guide on getting over an ex. Or maybe a book that looks at the breakup process with humor. If nothing else, a book will remind you that you’re not alone in how you’re feeling. Plenty of other people have been there too.
  3. Spending time with people that love you Okay, so you’re no longer with your partner. That doesn’t mean that the love has to totally disappear from your life. It can feel like that, though, so spend time with people who do love you and are still around. Hang out with your best friends. See your family if they make you smile. Remind yourself that there is lots of love in your life, and you don’t have to be totally alone.
  4. Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone Leaving your comfort zone is underrated! Along with helping you to grow, it also shows you that you’re much stronger than you think you are. So if you can push yourself out of your comfort zone in any way at all, it can help you heal by reinforcing that you’re a strong person. Maybe you can conquer a fear you’ve held for ages. Do something that makes you feel a little nervous. Prove to yourself that you can handle anything that comes your way, including a breakup.
  5. Losing yourself in a passion There are other kinds of love out there besides the kind that happens between two people. Love that a person can have for a hobby or a calling, like music or art, can be very powerful too. If you don’t have any romantic love right now, fill your life up with a passion that makes you excited to get out of bed in the morning. Explore new horizons and you never know what you might fall in love with or where you might end up!
  6. Kicking goals It’s normal to feel bad about yourself when your heart is broken. If you were dumped or cheated on, that can really mess with your self-esteem. It helps to do things that boost your sense of self-love again. Try setting some goals in other areas of your life and working towards them. It might be a goal at work or with your health. You might find that as you focus on achieving something important to you, you won’t have as much time to dwell over a broken heart.
  7. Reminding yourself of why it didn’t work out Often after a breakup, we can get lost in fantasy. You might spend time daydreaming about your ex and wishing you were still together. Inject a helpful dose of reality back into your life by reminding yourself of why it didn’t work out. If you outline the biggest flaws that your partner had, and why you’re better off on your own, it will be easier to accept your new reality.
  8. Embracing your sadness with music Two words: breakup songs. Turn up Spotify and cry your eyes out to sad songs, love songs, and anything else that helps you to feel your feelings. This might seem counter-productive when your goal is to feel better. But before you can heal and move on, you have to face the sadness inside of you. Listen to as much Sam Smith as you need to. And then when you do feel like you’ve dealt with your sad feelings, turn up some Lizzo.
  9. Getting your feelings off your chest Crying to sad music is a great way to express your feelings. But sometimes, you might just need to talk about them. Chatting with someone about how you feel can also help you to work through your emotions and process your thoughts. It can be immensely helpful to talk your feelings over with a counsellor. Or try talking to a friend who is available and trustworthy.
  10. Meeting new people Meeting new people can be daunting. And after a heartbreak, you might feel like you need a break from other humans. But meeting new people can be a great way to start healing again because it reminds you that there are decent people out there. Just because it didn’t work out with your ex, doesn’t mean you won’t find someone else to make new memories with.
  11. Re-evaluating what you want from life The pain of heartbreak might feel like it’s going to kill you. But the truth is this is only one phase of your life. Once you move through it, it will be behind you. Re-evaluate what you want from life and what your plan is moving forward. Do you want another relationship with different qualities? To be single for a while? To focus on your career or yourself? Think about what you want and plan out a new path and new direction. Having somewhere to go will help you to get through the storm.



Vanessa Locampo is an Aussie writer who’s equally obsessed with YA fiction and pasta. Her time is divided between writing all the things, reading all the things, listening to Queen, and bopping her cat on the nose. She has a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing and has written for sites including Hotsprings.co and Discovering Montana, and currently works as an editor at Glam. You can keep up with her on Instagram @vanessaellewrites.