How To Deal With A Face You Don’t Think Anyone Will Love

When you look in the mirror, do you feel bad about your face? Do you press and jab your face, wishing you looked different? While everyone has bad mirror days now and then, if you’re always hating on your appearance, you might worry that no one will ever love you for it. It’s time to step away from the mirror and overcome your worries and fears. Here are 10 ways to deal with a face you don’t think anyone will love (newsflash: they totally will).

1. Realize Your Face Only Takes You So Far.

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Good looks are great and all, but they don’t mean everything. Seriously. You can have the most attractive face and you might still feel unattractive. Or, you might be the hottest person in the room but if you’re mean, people will perceive you as ugly. What matters more than your face are your intelligence and personality – these are the things that have much longer lifespans and are what people will remember.

2. Investigate Any Medical Issues.

Examination table at a doctor's office

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If you’re dealing with skin issues that are making you feel down about your face, like acne or psoriasis, you should tackle the root of the problem. Deal with these issues, such as by consulting with a doctor, so you can reclaim healthy skin and boost your confidence without letting health conditions hold you back from feeling good about yourself. Sometimes, that’s all you need to feel better about your appearance.

3. Stop Thinking About Your Face!

Sports, winner mindset and a portrait woman on outdoor tennis or badminton court before practice game. Health, fitness workout and beauty, headshot of girl with beautiful face and winning motivation.

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Although it’s good to do things to boost your self-love and confidence, sometimes you’ve got to stop thinking and obsessing about your face. The more you stress about how you look, the more you’ll find things to feel negative about. Do something that distracts you when anxiety strikes and give yourself love so you don’t turn yourself into your own worst enemy. You don’t need that!

4. Gain Some Perspective On Beauty.

Portrait of young smiling caucasian hipster girl in glasses with pimples, acne on her face. Body positivity and diversity. Teenage skincare problems. Generation Z girl enjoy spring mood

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If you’re worried people won’t love you because of how you look, think about this: there’s not just one way to be beautiful. Beauty standards vary from one country to another, and can be so different to different people. At the end of the day, you have to feel good about your appearance as that’s the only thing that matters. It’s not about what other people think because you’ll never be beautiful to everyone.

5. Play Around With Your Appearance.

how to know if you're hot

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Sometimes, experimenting with your appearance and having a bit of a makeover can help you to boost your self-confidence so you walk through the world feeling better. So, get a facial or get your makeup done, or book a new haircut and dye job. Whatever you choose, these tips can show you other things you can do with your looks that can elevate your attractiveness.

6. Highlight Your “Flaws.”

Side view carefree young brunette in stylish dress standing against big arch shaped mirror and looking at camera while spending summer day in garden

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You might have some so-called flaws that you feel are holding you back. Maybe you have moles or freckles, or an asymmetrical face. Whatever the case, these make you unique and special. Instead of hiding them, try to accentuate them. Stop covering your freckles with concealer and try to go makeup free for a change so people can see your face. You might think you have to fit in with stereotypical ideas of what you should look like, but that’s so boring!

7. Start Loving Yourself.

Young woman relaxing in the grass

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It sounds trite, but you’ve got to love yourself and how you look, or you can’t expect other people to like you. If you’re walking around hating on your face, you’re going to exude a negative attitude and put people off. So, they might be reacting to these negative vibes instead of what you’re hating! Self-love will show up as confidence and inner peace, which is appealing. Stop the self-hate because it’s not doing you any favors.

8. Book A Professional Photoshoot.

Elegant young woman posing for professional photographer in luxury restaurant

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It might sound like a waste of time, but sometimes pictures of yourself can be a really valuable way for you to see the positive things about your appearance. Everyone has something beautiful about them, and sometimes it takes a professional photographer to help you to see it. So, spoil yourself with a professional photoshoot and see what you’ve been ignoring about your appearance.

9. Avoid Selfies And Self-View.

love a strong woman

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Maybe you don’t dislike your face but how your face looks in certain situations, like when you take selfies of yourself or when you see yourself in the self-view window on Zoom. Hey, you’re not alone! Stop seeing yourself in these warped ways so you don’t get a misconception about your real appearance. I promise, you don’t actually look the way you think you look in such bad lighting or in pics taken with wonky cell phone cameras.

10. Quit Comparing Yourself To Other People.

annoyed woman texting in park

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Another thing that could make you feel less confident about your appearance is if you’re always comparing yourself to other people, like if you see picture-perfect people and wish you looked like them. Everyone’s using filters, so don’t believe the fakery that’s out there. Comparing yourself to others will just make you feel bad ’cause there’ll always be someone who’s got something you don’t. That doesn’t mean you’re not attractive in your own way.

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.