How To Spot A Genuine Person From A Fake Person

We live in a world of posers, people claiming to be something they aren’t. They put on masks, which makes it difficult to know whether or not someone is genuine. But fear not; we’re here to help you spot the fakers from the authentic gems. In this article, we highlight a few key characteristics of a genuine person to help you know exactly who you should avoid.

1. They’re Humble

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Genuine people don’t feel the need to boast about their lives. They don’t go over every one of their accomplishments or feel the need to update you on their Instagram following. Genuine people are humble, and that’s because they know they have imperfections. They aren’t under the misguided impression that they’re God’s gift to the world.

2. They Don’t Take Everything Personally

Woman drinking tea and reading a book at the veranda

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We all know someone who sees everything as an attack. Any piece of feedback or suggestion throws them into a frenzy. Sound familiar? Genuine people aren’t like that. They don’t jump to conclusions and assume everyone is working against them. They shrug it off and move on because it’s not that serious.

3. They’re Consistent

Happy smiling young man standing in snow covered winter landscape showing a Thumbs-Up - OK Hand Sign towards the camera, Selective Focus on Face. Millennial Generation Winter Outdoor Portrait.

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This one is a no-brainer, but we think it bears discussing. Consistency is SO important. If their personality drastically changes depending on who they’re with, that’s a sign they aren’t genuine. Instead, it’s a sign they’re good at putting on different faces to charm whomever they’re with.

4. They Know How To Listen

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Genuine people are some of the best listeners in the world. And that’s because they care about the person they’re talking to. It’s not a facade. If they ask how your life is, they want to know. What a concept!

5. They’re Empathetic

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What does empathy mean? Some people think empathy is showing you care about someone else. No, no. Empathy is the ability to sense someone else’s emotions and imagine their feelings. Anyone can “show” they care, but only a genuine person really does.

6. They Aren’t Shifty

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Body language is important. You know those people who constantly keep their arms crossed? They may always look stiff or are constantly moving around. Sure, that could be a sign of a mental health condition. But it could also be a sign of an ingenuine person. Genuine people typically have open and relaxed body language.

7. They Have An Open Mind

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Being open-minded is no easy feat, but it’s a skill genuine people have mastered. Rather than pass judgment on new ideas and opinions, a genuine person can see the other side. They’re empathetic and give off an approachable vibe that makes you want to be around them.

8. They Are Emotionally Mature

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A genuine person knows how to handle themselves. They don’t snap at complete strangers or respond to fights with manipulation tactics. They’re emotionally mature and know how to communicate effectively (keyword: effectively) with other people.

9. They Don’t Gossip

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Speaking of things ingenuine people need to thrive….gossip is a major one! Genuine people, on the other hand, don’t need to spend their days gossiping. That’s not to say they won’t spend a few minutes doing it (they’re human, after all), but it’s not their favorite pastime.

10. They Know About Respect

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R.E.S.P.E.C.T. Genuine people don’t just know the song; they understand the definition. They never belittle someone or make them feel lesser. They treat people how they want to be treated (e.g., they don’t yell at the waiter or give their co-workers attitude for no reason).

11. They’re Confident In Who They Are

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Genuine people do their own thing. Whether deciding to follow the latest trend or forging their own path, they do what they want. Genuine people are the ones who leave the party at 9 p.m. because they’d rather be in bed with a good book.

12. People Like Them

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Do they have friends? Do their co-workers like spending time with them? Does their mother (or father) call them regularly? If you answered yes, that’s because they’re a genuine person. People like them, trust them, and enjoy being in their orbit.

13. They Know How To Be Present

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Genuine people are the ones who make eye contact when they’re speaking to someone. They’re the ones who put their phones away when they’re out with friends and the ones who don’t spend hours scrolling through Instagram when they’re working. They know how to be present and live in the moment.

14. They Stand Up For What They Believe

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Genuine people know what they stand for. They have principles and are comfortable standing up for those principles. They aren’t rude about it, but you’ll know who a genuine person is pretty soon after meeting them.

15. They Don’t Need Drama To Survive

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Ingenuine people LOVE drama! They thrive off it, especially their own. Rather than have a chill, typical life, they always need absolute chaos.

16. Feeling lonely? Find your match with the power of thought.

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Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.