15 Irritating Characteristics Of People Who Always Make Excuses

15 Irritating Characteristics Of People Who Always Make Excuses

We’ve all met someone who has an excuse for everything, from why they can’t show up to work on time to why they couldn’t do the simple task you asked them to complete weeks ago. Their explanations are always over-the-top, outlandish, and really annoying — especially since they’re clearly total BS. To make matters worse, people like this tend to have these irritating characteristics, as well.

1. They never take responsibility.

young readhead guy smiling at camera

Rather than accepting their own faults or missteps, these people tend to pass the blame to external circumstances or other people. This avoidance can prove frustrating for everyone around them and can impact their own personal growth and credibility. Over time, this avoidance can lead to a lack of trust and create a really negative atmosphere with colleagues and friends.

2. They tend to be inconsistent.

Portrait of Asian woman with dye hair in the street

People who always have excuses tend to change their explanations all the time, and they also tend to lie a lot. Their inconsistent behavior can lead people to see them as unreliable and makes it really difficult for people to trust their words or actions. As a result, it’s hard to rely on them professionally or personally, which can put the kibosh on a genuine connections and productive atmospheres.

3. They lack initiative.

A chronic reluctance to step outside their comfort zone is often exhibited by chronic excuse-makers. This lack of initiative can limit opportunities for evolving or advancing in life, leaving them behind more proactive people. This inhibition can prevent them from realizing their full potential and achieving their personal and professional goals.

4. They’re rarely self-motivated.

serious man sitting outside on steps

Instead of anticipating and preparing for potential issues, people who always make excuses are often reactive, leading to plenty of preventable problems. This lack of foresight not only creates issues but also demonstrates a lack of critical planning skills. By being so reactive, they end up running around constantly trying to put out fires, making them even less productive.

5. They show very limited self-improvement.

sad guy

By consistently making excuses, these people often impede their own ability to learn from their mistakes and improve. Becoming so stagnated can limit their capacity for personal and professional growth, which makes it difficult for them to adapt to change. Over time, they often find that they’re just treading water, never moving forward or evolving in any way.

6. They lack accountability.

The inability to hold themselves accountable is a key characteristic of habitual excuse-makers. This can strain their relationships and negatively affect their reputation, making other people hesitant or outright unwilling to rely on them. It also destroys their ability to build strong, trusting relationships in their personal and professional lives.

7. They can be manipulative.

Young woman looks thoughtfully and sadly

Using excuses to deflect blame and avoid consequences, these people can often come across as manipulative. This behavior can destroy trust, which ends up causing significant damage to both their personal and professional relationships over time. This manipulation can also lead to a toxic environment, affecting the morale and well-being of those around them.

8. They’re often pessimistic.

With a tendency to focus on the negatives and use them as excuses, these people often have a pessimistic outlook. This negative attitude destroys their ability to make progress and achieve their goals. Over time, this negativity can spread, affecting the overall group dynamics and productivity.

9. They Struggle with Time Management.

Poor time management is often a problem for chronic excuse-makers. Making excuses for turning up late or missing deadlines can disrupt schedules and delay projects, causing inefficiencies and frustrations in team environments. This lack of time management skills can also lead to increased stress and burnout, affecting their overall well-being and performance.

10. They lack confidence.

Their constant need to make excuses can be a sign of low self-esteem. Doubting their own abilities and using excuses to protect themselves from failure or criticism can hinder their ability to take on challenges and seize opportunities. This lack of confidence can also prevent them from stepping out of their comfort zone and exploring new possibilities.

11. They resist change.

young man with headache on couch

People who constantly make excuses aren’t too keen to switch things up in life. They use excuses to avoid new challenges or to stick to their familiar routines, which not only limits their personal growth but also stifles their ability to adapt to new situations or environments. Over time, this can leave them ill-equipped to handle unexpected changes or challenges.

12. They struggle to meet commitments.

man outside standing against wall

Chronic excuse-makers often struggle to meet their commitments. Whether it’s a work deadline or a personal obligation, they tend to fall short and then use excuses to justify their inability to fulfill their responsibilities. This behavior can strain relationships and erode trust, making it difficult for others to depend on them.

13. They blame everyone else for their shortcomings.

Woman apologizes to her friend after fight

People who frequently make excuses tend to blame other people for their own issues. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, they paint themselves as a victim of a world that’s out to get them. This not only creates drama but also fosters a negative environment. Over time, this pattern can harm their relationships and their reputation.

14. They give up easily.

sad man with head in hands

Lack of persistence is another common trait among people who constantly make excuses. When faced with obstacles or challenges, they tend to give up easily and resort to excuses instead of seeking solutions. This lack of persistence can limit their success and prevent them from achieving their goals.

15. They underestimate their potential.

People who habitually make excuses often underestimate exactly what they’re capable of in life. They use excuses to justify their lack of progress or achievement, without realizing that they are capable of much more. This lack of self-belief can prevent them from taking on new challenges and reaching their full potential.

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Phoebe Mertens is a writer, speaker, and strategist who has helped dozens of female-founded and led companies reach success in areas such a finance, tech, science, and fashion. Her keen eye for detail and her innovative approach to modern womanhood makes her one of the most sought-out in her industry, and there's nothing she loves more than to see these companies shine.

With an MBA from NYU's Stern School of Business and features in Forbes and Fast Company she Phoebe has proven she knows her stuff. While she doesn't use social media, she does have a private Instagram just to look at pictures of cats.