While it’s always heartening when parents feel comfortable enough to talk to their kids about sex, there’s a pretty clear boundary when it comes to what’s appropriate and what isn’t. An example of the latter? Rapper Jim Jones telling Angela Yee’s Lip Service podcast that his mother Nancy Jones taught him how to French kiss “with her mouth.” Yikes.
- It’s safe to say no one saw that one coming. “My mom taught me how to kiss when I was younger,” he said on the podcast. Everyone in the room was shocked, including Yee herself, who asked: “What were the instructions?” Jones didn’t miss a beat before responding: “There were no instructions, she showed me with her mouth.”
- Jones didn’t seem to think there was anything wrong with it. Sure that they misheard him or that he didn’t actually mean that his mother French kissed him, Yee pressed on for confirmation. “It’s my mother, what do you mean?” he replied. “She showed me her tongue-kiss when I was younger. My mom was seventeen [when she had me], she was a baby. Look at all the babies that are having babies now and look how they act with their babies, it’s like they have a little sister or brother more than they have a child.”
- Kissing someone other than his mother was a letdown. Jones went on to say that he kissed someone when he was around 12 or 13 and said that he was left “p***ed off.” He explained: “I didn’t know what the f**k is going on.” Neither do most of us!
- Understandably, there was a pretty big backlash about this. Once the interview went big, the Harlem rapper decided to backtrack on his claim that Mama Jones gave him some up close and personal instruction on how to kiss. However, many are sure that Jim Jones inadvertently revealed that he’d experienced some form of sexual abuse as a child.