Model Looking For ‘Ideal’ Partner Will Only Date Men Who Pass Bizarre Quiz

Model Looking For ‘Ideal’ Partner Will Only Date Men Who Pass Bizarre Quiz

A popular French OnlyFans model named Laurie is just like the rest of us single ladies. She wants to find her person, a forever love she can build an amazing life with. However, any guy who wants a chance at dating her will have to pass a bizarre quiz first. The questions are aimed at weeding out people who simply aren’t what she’s looking for, and it’s actually a rather ingenious idea.

While she could simply date around and see if she meets anyone she likes, Laurie thinks making potential suitors take (and ace!) a quiz is a much more efficient way to find her Mr. Right. “It’s like Tinder except you actually have a chance. Are you the right person for me?” she says on her website.

Laurie adds that while she has no problems finding a date, it’s finding the right type of guy that’s been her problem. They’re typically the type of men who are only interested in her body and who wouldn’t have liked her years ago.

“I don’t reply to my messages on Instagram, I always get the same messages on Tinder and I flunk the stupid guys at parties. The reason is simple. I don’t have feelings with these boys,” she explains. “The same ones that ignored me in middle school. I grew up during my teenage years with shy, geeks. I couldn’t find a boy who fulfilled me or understood me.”

So, what kind of questions are on Laurie’s dating quiz? It’s pretty simple. She wants to know things like when the taker’s last relationship was, who they believe should pay for a first date, where to go on vacation, and who should say “I love you” first. Laurie also wants to know if the guy is subscribed to her OnlyFans account, though it’s unclear whether this would count for or against him.

In addition, she asks whether the taker is a virgin, their favorite sexual position, and how much money they earn.

If you think you could ace Laurie’s test and want to give it a try, go for it here.

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.