Melissa Servetz has always had a heart of gold and loads of love to give to children in need. Over the period of a few years, she fostered 56 kids, offering them support, care, and stability when they needed it most. However, she decided a few years ago to foster one more group of kids before taking a break from what can often be an emotionally and physically taxing process. That would end up changing her life forever.
- When Melissa decided to “retire” from fostering, her maternal instinct kicked in hard. She admitted to herself that she actually always wanted to be a mom, and the four kids in her care at the time made her realize just how fulfilling parenting can be.
- It all seemed very serendipitous. Melissa was teaching in a Tampa Bay school when the parent of a former student told her about kids who needed a place to stay for a bit as they’d been evicted from their home and were in the care of the state. Melissa decided to inquire and they let her know that two girls needed a foster home.
- Jade and Destiny came to live with Melissa soon after. Jade moved in first, and Destiny joined her older sister a week later. However, she soon discovered that the girls had two brothers, Matthew and Emerson, and she didn’t have the heart to separate the siblings from one another. So, Melissa Servetz decided to adopt all four kids.
- it was a long, hard road for this new family. Jade and Destiny had experienced abuse in their previous home and required counseling to process what they’d been through. Melissa also sought help so that she could better support her kids.
- She and her family have never been happy. As Melissa told Good Morning America, “I want them to remember that I picked them… and I have, in my opinion, the best children in the world.” She believes that with all the love and care she has to give them, their future looks incredibly bright.
- According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (via Adoption Network), there are approximately 114,000 kids in America that are eligible for adoption. Those kids need loving homes with parents who are prepared to care for them, teach them, and offer them the support and stability they need. If only the world was filled with more Melissas!