Kids argue — it happens. Especially in middle school, there’s a lot of catfighting that happens between female students over boys, clothes, or any number of other things. While outright bullying and violence is never acceptable, if it’s a simple disagreement between adolescents, it’s generally best to let them work things out themselves. However, one Florida mom disagreed with that and actually turned up at her daughter’s school in boxing gloves to fight the 12-year-old student the daughter had an issue with.
- The mom turned up looking for a fight. As local news affiliate CBS 47 reports, 34-year-old Edith Riddle turned up at Dupont Middle School with an adult male and another student at a local high school looking for 12-year-old Taylor Wiltsee. Upon their arrival, Edith’s daughter ran over to Crystal and pushed her to the ground, at which point Edith “joined in the affray and stood on the victim’s hair, as she lay on the pavement” and delivered “several punches to the victim’s head” while wearing boxing gloves.
- The whole incident was captured on video. A cell phone video showed the entire incident, which ended with Taylor on the ground surrounded by the two adults, the high school student, and Edith’s daughter. Taylor has now admitted she’s “scared most of the time” as a result of the attack.
- Riddle was later arrested and charged. Duval County School Police charged Riddle with one count of child abuse with a personal or special weapon. Taylor wasn’t seriously hurt but did suffer cuts on her knees and forearms which required hospital treatment. Riddle posted bond a few days after her arrest and was released pending a court appearance.
- Taylor’s mother, Crystal Wiltsee, has no idea how they even got into the school. “The moment that she chose to touch this one, it’s a whole other – and she’s just not to blame, I put the school to blame just as much as her, because had they escorted the lady off the property when they showed up to the school in boxing gloves. That’s not normal,” she told CBS 47. “Now she’s scared… It’s complete and utter bullcrap.”