Rude Things We’re All Too Scared To Call Out (But Shouldn’t Be)

Rude Things We’re All Too Scared To Call Out (But Shouldn’t Be)

Sometimes it’s the little annoyances that really get under our skin. We see rude behavior all the time, but often we stay quiet for the sake of peace. Here’s a list of those frustrating, rude things we secretly wish we could call people out on (and to be honest, we really should sometimes).

1. Talking Loudly on the Phone in Public

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We don’t need the intimate details of your personal drama or your doctor’s appointment when we’re trying to enjoy a coffee. Honestly, some conversations are meant to be private. Plus, no one wants to feel like they’re eavesdropping on a stranger’s life. A little discretion would be much appreciated by everyone within earshot. If you absolutely must take a call in public, try to keep your voice down and step away from others if possible.

2. Not Cleaning Up After Their Dog

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It’s common courtesy, people! No one wants to step in that. Leaving dog poop on the sidewalk is not just gross, it’s unsanitary. Besides, picking up after your dog shows that you’re a responsible pet owner, and that you care about keeping the neighborhood clean. Always carry poop bags with you, it’s the right thing to do.

3. Manspreading

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Taking up multiple seats on the bus, train, etc. when it’s crowded is just inconsiderate. Everyone needs a place to sit, and your sprawling doesn’t help the situation. It’s especially frustrating when people do this on packed buses or trains. Be mindful of the space you’re taking up, and give other people a chance to have a comfortable ride too. Try to keep your stuff close to you, and be conscious of making room for your fellow passengers.

4. Interrupting People

fighting with your partner

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Let people actually finish their sentences, please! Not only is interrupting rude, but it also makes the speaker feel like their thoughts and ideas aren’t valued. It’s hard to have a productive conversation when someone constantly cuts you off. Show some respect and allow people to complete their thoughts before jumping in. Remember, listening is just as important as speaking in a conversation.

5. Cutting in Line

standing in a long line

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Seriously? We’re all waiting our turn. Cutting in line disregards the time everyone else has invested in waiting. It’s disrespectful and assumes your time is somehow more valuable than others. Patience is a virtue – take your place at the back like everyone else. If you’re genuinely in a rush, politely ask those in front if you can squeeze ahead, but don’t assume you have the right to skip the queue.

6. People Who Don’t Use Their Turn Signals

Stuck in traffic jam. Stressed driver in his car, view from outside

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It’s not a guessing game – a flick of a lever communicates your intentions. Using turn signals is vital for safe driving – it lets other drivers know where you’re headed. Not using them can create confusion and even cause accidents. Take that extra second to signal and make the roads safer for everyone. Don’t make other drivers guess what you’re doing, it’s not just inconsiderate, it’s dangerous.

7. Littering

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There are trash cans for a reason. The world isn’t your personal garbage bin. Tossing trash out your car window or leaving it on the ground is incredibly disrespectful. It pollutes the environment, and it’s an eyesore. Do your part and dispose of your trash responsibly. If you can’t find a trash can, hold onto your waste until you can properly discard it.

8. Taking Up Too Much Space on the Sidewalk

woman standing alone in a crowd

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Walking in a big group? Don’t block the entire path. Sidewalks are meant to be shared, and when one group hogs the space, it forces others to step into the street or awkwardly squeeze by. Be aware of your surroundings, and if your group is large, make an effort to leave room for others to pass comfortably. If necessary, walk in single or double file rather than spreading across the entire width of the sidewalk.

9. Ghosting

better men

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Whether it’s friendships or dating, just communicate – disappearing is cowardly. Ghosting leaves people feeling confused, hurt, and disrespected. It’s much kinder to simply be honest and upfront, even if it’s a difficult conversation. If you’re not interested in someone, a simple message explaining that goes a long way. Remember, the person on the other side has feelings too.

10. Leaving Shopping Carts in the Middle of Parking Lots

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Put it back in the designated area! It’s not that hard. Leaving your cart stranded creates a hazard for other drivers and pedestrians. It also takes up valuable parking spaces. Plus, it’s just lazy and inconsiderate – taking a few extra seconds to return the cart is the right thing to do. It makes life easier for the store employees who have to collect the carts too.

11. People Who Take Up All the Armrests

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Especially on planes, trains, or movie theater seats! It’s common courtesy to share the armrest, especially in a confined space. Hogging both armrests leaves your neighbor feeling cramped and uncomfortable. Be mindful, and try to find a way to share the space. If the armrest has a clear divider, respect those boundaries.

12. Not Holding the Door Open For People

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It takes such minimal effort to hold a door for someone behind you, yet many people don’t bother. It’s a simple act of kindness that makes a difference, especially if someone is carrying something or has their hands full. Don’t just let the door slam in their face! If you see someone approaching, pause for a moment to allow them to pass through.

13. People Who Don’t Respect Personal Space

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We all have an invisible bubble surrounding us, and standing too close to strangers can be super uncomfortable. Maintaining a respectful distance shows consideration for others’ comfort. Avoid breathing down someone’s neck or invading their space unnecessarily, especially in lines or crowds. Be aware of your body language, and take a step back if you sense the person is uncomfortable.

14. Sending Unsolicited Rude Comments Online

quiet quitting

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The internet can bring out the worst in people, and hiding behind a screen makes some forget basic decency. Sending mean or insulting messages to strangers is cowardly and hurtful. If you don’t have anything constructive to say, it’s best to keep it to yourself. Remember the golden rule: Treat others online as you would want to be treated in real life.

15. People Who Chew Loudly With Their Mouth Open

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It’s one of the most annoying sounds, and nobody wants to see or hear the contents of your meal. Chewing with your mouth closed is basic table manners. Plus, it’s far more pleasant for everyone else around you when you eat quietly. Mind your manners and be considerate of those dining with you.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.