11 Signs Your Extreme Neediness Scares People Away

11 Signs Your Extreme Neediness Scares People Away

While you might call yourself a nurturing partner, the people you date could call you a clingy GF instead. Yikes. Clearly, you don’t realize you’re putting people off with your clinginess which can so easily slip into controlling or manipulative behavior. Ready to face the truth? Here are some signs your extreme neediness is scaring people away and ruining your relationships. Enough is enough!

1. They Say They Need Space.

woman texting while working on laptop

Although having some space and time alone in your relationship is healthy, if the people you date always tell you that they need more space, that’s a red flag that you’re being a bit too clingy. Maybe you want to be around your partner 24-7 and you feel anxious if you’re away from them for longer than a day. But think about how your neediness is making the other person feel. According to Psychology Today, it’s really important to maintain individuality in a relationship.

2. They Leave You On Read.

He Rejected Me But Gets Jealous

Although it’s frustrating when people you’re dating ignore your messages for hours or days, stop and check your behavior. If you’re double- and triple-texting them or sending them a bunch of missed calls when they don’t reply to your messages, that’s probably off-putting and making them go AWOL. The more you push people to talk to you, the more they’ll want to leave you on read and run.

3. They Spend Lots Of Time Away From You.

two female friends at lunch

If you’re super-clingy with the people you date, wanting to dominate all their time, chances are they could start to feel claustrophobic. The result? They want to leave the relationship as much as possible, such as by hanging out with their friends or dedicating time to their hobbies. Your clingy behavior is irritating them.

4. They Sigh Before Answering You.

Frustrated couple, headache and fight on sofa in divorce, disagreement or conflict in living room at home. Man and woman in toxic relationship, cheating affair or dispute on lounge couch at house

Clingy people tend to be insecure and they require lots of reassurance. So, you might always ask your partner if they find you attractive or if they really love you. After a while, this can become annoying, which is why you might notice that your partner releases a heavy sigh before answering you and giving you the reassurances that you need. According to Psychology Today, a sigh is a hint of frustration, meaning your neediness is way too much.

5. They Encourage You To See Your Friends.

annoyed couple arguing on couch

It’s always good to spend time with your loved ones and friends, but if your partner keeps telling you that you should chat to your friend or hang out with your girls on the weekend, you might wonder what they’re on about. They might be hinting that they desperately need time away from you or they wish you didn’t depend on them for everything, like advice on how to get the perfect balayage hair color.

6. They Tell You To Stop Overthinking.

couple arguing on couch

It’s common for people who are clingy in relationships to overthink everything. So, you might spend all evening overthinking where your partner’s spending their Friday night and what they meant in their last text. It’s draining AF – for you both. If your partner keeps telling you that you’re overthinking, they’re probably stressing because of your behavior.

7. They Feel Like They’re Under The Microscope.

frustrated woman with boyfriend in bed

You’ll quickly scare your partner away if you’re so clingy that you’re always making them feel like a bug you’re studying underneath a microscope. You monitor their every move. You might worry that they’re going to hurt you, such as by cheating on you. You’re also suspicious of anyone around them, such as their co-workers or friends. Your mind’s always filled with anxieties!

8. They’re Hiding Things From You.

woman reading boyfriend's texts

The weird thing about being so clingy is that the more you suspect your partner of betraying you, the more they’re going to hide things from you even if they’re not guilty of cheating. They might do this to avoid conflict because they know you blow up over nothing, which is hectic. So, don’t be surprised if they’re always acting shady around you – you could be the problem!

9. They’re Scared Of The Drama.

Shot of a young couple having an argument on the balcony of their home

When you’re super-clingy, you might be someone who flies off the handle when you’re stressed out, such as if you’re angry about why your BF doesn’t want to invite you out with his friends. Your emotional outbursts, which stem from your insecurities, can make people walk on eggshells around you.

10. They Block You Online.

guy texting in gym on weight bench

If you’re monitoring your partners IRL, chances are you also stalk them online, such as on their social media platforms. This can become hectic, like when they see you’re online and sending them messages to find out who they’re talking to. The result is that they could become so fed up that they block you on social media. Ouch!

11. They Don’t DTR.

Unhappy couple having crisis and difficulties in relationship

As a clingy person, you might want to rush through the early dating stages so that you can be settled in a committed relationship. So, you take the initiative by asking the person out and planning dates. If you’re pushing too much to get things going, this is a red flag to your potential partner. They might resist defining things because they’re afraid to get locked in with a stage-five clinger. You’ve been warned!

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.