Signs You’re Annoying Everyone Around You And Don’t Realize It

Signs You’re Annoying Everyone Around You And Don’t Realize It

Okay, let’s rip off the bandaid: it’s possible you might be kind of annoying sometimes. (Don’t worry, we all are!) Luckily, the sooner you figure out those little quirks that are driving everyone nuts, the sooner you can fix them. It’s a win-win, right? If you’re guilty of any of these cringe-worthy behaviors, you probably drive everyone around you a little bit crazy.

1. You interrupt people nonstop.

Do you sometimes cut people off mid-sentence because you’re just too excited to share your own thoughts? That’s a classic sign that you might need to work on your listening skills. Try to channel your inner zen and let people actually finish their sentences before you jump in. Great conversations are all about give and take, not about you hogging the mic all the time

2. You one-up people with your “better” stories/experiences.

Are you the type of person who always has a bigger, better story ready to go? Are you the one that totally outshines whatever anyone else was just talking about? While it’s great to be enthusiastic, constantly one-upping people can come across as super braggy and make you seem like you don’t really care about what others have to say. Try focusing on making genuine connections and actually celebrating other people’s stories and successes. Remember, their wins don’t make yours any less awesome!

3. You give advice no one asked for or wanted.

Do you find yourself constantly offering advice even when nobody asked for it? While it’s great to want to help, sometimes that can come across as a little overbearing. Before jumping in with solutions, check in and see if the other person actually wants your input. Sometimes, people just need a listening ear, not a problem-solver at that moment.

4. You’re full of constant negativity and complaining.

If you’re constantly bringing the room down, it can be a major vibe-killer for everyone around you. It’s totally fine to have bad days, but try to find ways to work through your frustrations instead of endlessly unloading negativity on others. Find a healthy way to express your emotions, whether that’s finding a trusted friend to vent to or focusing on finding solutions. It’s definitely okay to have a bad day, but try not to make it everyone else’s problem too.

5. You lack self-awareness.

If you always seem to miss those subtle hints that someone’s bored, uncomfortable, or secretly annoyed, it might be time to work on your social awareness skills. Sometimes we get so caught up in our own world that we forget to pay attention to how our words or actions are affecting other people. Try to stay present in the moment – watch people’s expressions, body language, and overall vibe. A little bit of empathy and trying to see things from their perspective can make a huge difference in how you interact.

6. You’re guilty of oversharing.

It’s awesome to be open and honest, but be careful about spilling all your secrets to just anyone, especially if you don’t know them very well. Building trust takes time, so don’t feel pressured to share everything about your life right off the bat. Some things are better left unsaid, or saved for those closest to you.

7. You’re totally unreliable.

We all get busy and sometimes things come up, but if you’re always canceling plans at the last minute, showing up late, or totally forgetting about things you agreed to do, it’s going to hurt your relationships. People value their time, so try your best to be reliable. If something unavoidable happens, be honest and let them know as soon as possible. Don’t just ditch them without a word – that’s a surefire way to lose people’s trust.

8. You take things way too personally.

If you take every little joke or playful tease as a personal attack, it’s going to make hanging out with you kind of a drag. Try to lighten up a bit and remember that not everyone is out to get you. Sometimes people are just trying to have a laugh. A little bit of humor and not taking yourself too seriously can make conversations way more fun for everyone involved.

9. You don’t know how to use your “inside voice.”

two women talking after yoga

We need to talk about your volume control. If everyone in the building can hear your phone conversation or your music blasting, it’s probably a bit much. Try to be mindful of those around you, especially in shared spaces. Not everyone wants a front-row seat to your life, and some people just really need it to be a bit quieter.

10. You’re always “borrowing” from people and never returning.

guy working at his laptop at night

If you’re the type of person who “borrows” things and then magically forgets to give them back, or you always expect your friends to cover the bill, it’s time for a reality check. People aren’t going to like feeling used or taken advantage of. Respect their stuff, and if they treat you, make sure to return the favor. It’s all about being a decent human being!

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Harper Stanley graduated from Eugene Lang College at The New School in NYC in 2006 with a degree in Media Studies and Literature and Critical Analysis. After graduating, she worked as an editorial assistant at The Atlantic before moving to the UK to work for the London Review of Books.

When she's not waxing poetic about literature, she's writing articles about dating, relationships, and other women's lifestyle topics to help make their lives better. While shocking, she really has somehow managed to avoid joining any social media apps — a fact she's slightly smug about.