When you hear the word lucky, do you connect to it? If you don’t, that doesn’t mean you’re unlucky, it just means that you might not be aware of the things that signal luck. Well (luckily) for you, we’ve outlined 15 of them.
1. You often experience random acts of kindness.
Maybe the person in front of you in the drive-thru paid for your coffee or someone offers to help carry the heavy antique you scored from the thrift store, people always seem to want to help you. That’s luck, baby—not just anyone gets the support of strangers like you do.
2. You win things.
If you’re constantly winning things like social media giveaways, raffles, or just anything that involves being chosen, then that’s a big sign you’re lucky. Seriously, do you know how hard it is to win stuff like that? You’re blessed.
3. You experience unexpected windfalls.
Whether it’s an out-of-nowhere bonus at work, random inheritance from a relative, or just finding cash on the street, money seems to just flow freely to you. If that doesn’t scream luck, we don’t know what does.
4. You have spontaneous meetings with important people.
A lot of people believe that everyone you meet, no matter how insignificant, carries a special message for you. Maybe a conversation with a stranger on the bus sparks an idea you’ve been stuck on or maybe you run into someone at a bookstore and they say something you’ve been needing to hear. Pay attention to these moments because luck could be behind them.
5. You have a gut feeling.
Have you ever felt like something was going to happen, and then it did? When your intuition is sending you strong signals like that, there’s a 99.9% (don’t quote us on that number) chance some good luck is right around the corner.
6. You’re having vivid dreams.
If you weren’t aware, dreams hold significant meaning. If you’re having super clear dreams full of positive outcomes or lucky symbols, pay attention. Dreams are messages from your subconscious, and you’re subconscious is telling you that you’re lucky.
7. Opportunities are always knocking on your door.
You regularly get approached about new and exciting opportunities like jobs and travel. When you describe these random chances to friends, you say, “I don’t know, this kind of just fell into my lap!” Only lucky people get approached as much as you do.
8. You notice a lot of synchronicities.
Pay attention to the things that feel like a coincidence. Like how you were thinking about the person you haven’t seen in years and then they randomly text you or how you hear the same song over and over again everywhere you go. Those aren’t really coincidences, that’s the universe sending you messages of good fortune.
9. Timing is on your side.
When you’re driving, you always hit green lights or you always manage to catch the bus just as the doors close. However this manifests for you, you always seem to be at the right place at the right time.
10. You see symbols of luck.
Horseshoes, four-leaf clovers, elephants, and shooting stars — all of these things mean different things to different cultures, but the one thing that everyone agrees on? These symbols are lucky! So if you’re always seeing pictures of elephants or stumble across a four-leaf clover, take it as a sign.
11. You see the same words and numbers.
Repeated words that have significance to you or number sequences (like 111 or 333) are a sign that everything is going according to plan. They’re little nods from the universe—it’s guiding you with messages that can help you progress like solving problems or helping you nail down a decision.
12. Things tend to go smoothly for you.
You know you’re lucky when things that usually don’t go smoothly for everyone are seamless for you. Like how whenever you fly somewhere you get a seat upgrade or you never have to wait somewhere that has notorious long lines. Can we have some of that luck, please?
13. Changes are a piece of cake.
The truth about life is that there are always going to be changes. And let’s be real: change is hard! But people who are lucky don’t really experience that difficulty. Big life transitions like moving to a different state or starting a family don’t feel as daunting because luck is on your side.
14. You think things into existence.
Remember that one time you thought “I’m really in the mood for something sweet” and then your coworker randomly showed up with donuts? Or how about that time you were thinking about how it’d be cool to see your favorite band in concert and then they announce a one-off show in your city? Four letters: L-u-c-k.
15. You experience a lot of unplanned joy.
No matter where you are, you seem to stumble upon happy moments. That could look like seeing a rainbow, finding a hidden gem, or stumbling upon a flash mob, whatever it is good times seem to follow you wherever you go. Sounds pretty lucky to us.
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