Simple Phrases Successful People Use To Instantly Win Respect

We all want to be held in high regard, but for that to happen, you have to make people feel heard, understood, and valued. Adding these phrases into your interactions will help you win respect pretty much immediately, but remember — you can’t just talk the talk, you have to walk the walk too and actually mean the words coming out of your mouth.

1. “I Really Value Your Opinion.”

male and female friends chatting on park bench

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Successful people often use phrases that show they respect and value other people’s perspectives. Showing that you care about someone’s input makes the other person feel heard but also opens the door to different viewpoints. This phrase demonstrates a willingness to consider different ideas and encourages an environment of mutual respect. It’s not about agreeing with everything, but about showing that every opinion has its place.

2. “Let’s Work Together on This.”

male and female friend chatting on steps

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No man is an island, as the old saying goes — collaboration is key, and successful people know it. A willingness to work together isn’t just about getting the job done. It’s about creating a sense of team spirit and shared responsibility. This phrase encourages everyone to contribute and shows that they value the power of teamwork after going it solo. It’s about building a collaborative atmosphere where everyone’s contribution is important.

3. “I’m Sorry, I Was Wrong.”

Portrait of happy young couple walking and talking in the countryside. Young man and woman enjoying on a nature hike.

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Admitting your mistakes is a powerful way to gain respect. Successful people aren’t afraid to say, “I’m sorry, I was wrong.” This phrase shows humility and the ability to take responsibility. It’s not about putting yourself down, it’s about honesty and the courage to acknowledge imperfection. Owning up to your mistakes ultimately boosts credibility and humanizes a leader, making them more relatable and respected.

4. “Thank You, I Really Appreciate The Effort You Put In.”

couple standing face to face outside

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Gratitude goes a long way, and letting people know that you’ve noticed their hard work and appreciate it is a simple yet effective way to show it. Successful people use this phrase to acknowledge other people’s contributions and make them feel valued. It’s uplifting and motivating. Plus, it reinforces positive behavior and boosts morale. Win-win!

5. “I Understand Where You’re Coming From.”

millennial man woman working on computer in office

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Empathy is a powerful tool, and understanding people’s concerns is part of it. Saying this shows you’re in tune with what people are going through and that you see them as human beings, not just robots. That helps when it comes to building trust and rapport. It’s not about having all the answers but about showing that they’re open to listening and addressing worries or doubts.

6. “This Is a Great Learning Opportunity.”

friends having a convo at cafe

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Successful people often frame challenges as opportunities, and saying this shifts the focus from the problem to potential growth. It also encourages a positive mindset and resilience in the face of adversity, which we can all use more of. It’s about seeing the silver lining and inspiring other people to do the same. According to CNBC, successful people prioritize learning—doing so instead of focusing on failure creates an environment where it’s safe to take risks and grow.

7. “How Can I Help?”

two colleagues talking at work

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By being willing to step in and help, successful people show they’re willing to roll up their sleeves and get involved. This phrase demonstrates a hands-on approach and a readiness to support others rather than expecting them to perform miracles. It’s not about taking charge or micromanaging, but about being a helpful part of the team. You should never ask anyone to do anything you wouldn’t be willing to do yourself. (My manager at my first job at McDonald’s taught me that when she used to sweep the old fries off the floor with us!)

8. “I Believe in You.”

Successful businesswoman standing in creative office and looking at camera. Young woman entrepreneur in a coworking space smiling. Portrait of beautiful business woman standing in front of business team at modern agency with copy space.

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Expressing confidence in someone can be incredibly empowering because it instills confidence and motivation. This phrase shows they have faith in people’s abilities and potential. It’s a powerful morale booster that can drive people to perform at their best. A little belief can go a long way in earning loyalty and respect.

9. “Let’s Focus on the Solution.”

Young woman talking on smart phone while working at home office

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Successful people are great at fixing stuff, according to Inc. That’s why they often steer conversations toward solutions rather than dwelling on problems. This phrase shifts the discussion to a more productive and positive direction by focusing on problem-solving rather than complaining. It’s about overcoming obstacles collectively and keeping the team motivated towards achieving goals. Focusing on solutions rather than problems fosters a proactive and positive work culture.

10. “You Have Such A Unique Perspective.”

Startup young business team on meeting in modern bright office interior and working together

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Acknowledging the uniqueness of someone’s viewpoint is something successful people often do. This phrase makes people feel valued for their individuality and creativity. It’s all about creating an inclusive environment where every voice matters rather than just a select few. The more you encourage this, the better the ideas that come about will be.

11. “We Can Learn from This Mistake.”

Diverse employees chatting during coffee break, walking in modern office, Asian businesswoman wearing glasses sharing ideas, discussing project with colleague, having pleasant conversation

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Successful people understand the value of learning from missteps. A willingness to learn from a mistake rather than lambasting people for making them turns a negative situation into a constructive lesson. This promotes a growth mindset and resilience, both of which are great. It’s about shifting the focus from blame to understanding and improvement.

12. “I’m Open to Suggestions.”

Portrait of successful couple standing at small office. Happy new business partners posing together

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Being open to other people’s ideas is a great way to win respect. This phrase shows how much you value teamwork and shared responsibility. It’s about creating a space where everyone feels comfortable sharing ideas. An environment that welcomes suggestions is often more dynamic and innovative, and a lot more productive, to boot.

13. “That’s an Interesting Challenge.”

colleagues working at computer

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Successful people often reframe problems as interesting challenges. By saying, “That’s an interesting challenge,” they approach difficulties with curiosity and readiness to tackle them. This phrase sets a tone of optimism and determination. It’s about viewing obstacles as opportunities to grow and innovate. Approaching challenges with a positive outlook can inspire and motivate everyone involved.

Originally from Australia, Emma Mills graduated from the University of Queensland with a dual degree in Philosophy and Applied Linguistics before moving to Los Angeles to become a professional matchmaker (a bit of a shift, obviously). Since 2015, she has helped more than 150 people find lasting love and remains passionate about bringing amazing singletons together.

Emma is also the author of the upcoming Hachette publication, "Off the Beaten Track: Finding Lasting Love in the Least Likely of Places," due out in January 2025.