13 Habits Of Highly Driven People Who Outshine the Rest

13 Habits Of Highly Driven People Who Outshine the Rest

There’s something magnetic about people who achieve great things. They have a certain drive, a spark that sets them apart from the rest. But what is it about their daily habits that propels them to achieve more? It’s not always raw talent or intelligence; often, it’s their day-to-day practices that prime them for success. Here’s a closer look at the habits of highly driven people who consistently achieve remarkable things.

1. They Set Clear Goals.

Highly driven people know that goals give you something to aim for—they turn dreams into things you can act on. They sit down and think about what they want to achieve, making sure their goals are specific enough to measure progress along the way. They don’t just think about these targets; they write them down, breaking them into smaller steps if they need to. This clarity helps them stay focused and work systematically towards where they want to be. When they reach one goal, they set the next, always moving forward.

2. They Prioritize Ruthlessly.

For those who get things done and achieve a lot, every task has its place and importance. They’re good at figuring out which tasks will get them closer to their goals and which won’t. They spend their time where it counts, often doing the hardest or most important things first. And when something new comes up, they ask themselves if it’s going to help them achieve their goals. If it’s not, they’re comfortable putting it aside or not doing it at all. This way, they make sure that every day they’re working on something that matters.

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4. They Embrace Discipline.

Discipline is key for people who achieve big things. It’s not always about big gestures; it’s more about what they do every day. They have habits and routines that keep them on track, like waking up early, planning their day the night before, or setting aside time for focused work without distractions. They stick to these habits, even on days when they’re not feeling up to it. This kind of discipline makes sure that they’re always moving towards their goals, little by little.

5. They Are Resilient.

People who achieve a lot don’t let setbacks knock them down. They expect challenges and are prepared to deal with them. If something doesn’t work out, they don’t waste time feeling sorry for themselves. They take a good look at the situation, figure out what they can learn from it, and use that knowledge to keep going. They know that every failure is a chance to learn, and learning is how you get better at anything. This resilience means they’re not afraid to take risks, because they know that even if things don’t go as planned, they’ll come out of it stronger and more prepared for the next challenge.

6. They Continually Learn and Adapt.

The most accomplished people are those who never stop learning. They read books, attend workshops, or simply stay curious about the world around them. They’re not doing it for a certificate or a pat on the back; their goal is to expand their knowledge and skills constantly. They know that the more they learn, the more equipped they are to tackle new challenges and seize opportunities. This habit of continuous learning keeps them at the top of their game and always ready to adapt to change.

7. They Take Care of Their Health.

People who achieve more than the average person often make their health a top priority. They know that to keep pushing boundaries, they need to be in good shape both physically and mentally. This means they exercise regularly, eat healthily, and get plenty of sleep. They also take breaks when they need to, understanding that rest is not wasted time—it’s an investment in their ability to perform at their best.

8. They Surround Themselves with Motivated People.

Successful people often surround themselves with others who are just as driven as they are. They choose friends and colleagues who challenge them and encourage them to keep striving for more. These relationships create a positive, motivating environment that makes high achievement seem not just possible but normal. And when they hit a rough patch, it’s these people who help remind them of what they’re working toward.

9. They Practice Gratitude.

Even while they’re focused on their next goal, highly driven people take time to be thankful for what they’ve already achieved and what they have in their life. This might mean writing in a gratitude journal or simply taking a moment to acknowledge something good in their day. Practicing gratitude keeps them grounded and balanced, and helps ward off the dissatisfaction that can come from constantly striving for more.

10. They Focus on What They Can Control.

People who get a lot done and reach their goals tend to focus on things within their control. They don’t spend much time worrying about what could happen or things they can’t change. Instead, they ask themselves what they can do right now to move forward. This focused approach keeps them from getting overwhelmed and helps them make the most of their time and energy.

11. They Visualize Success.

People who achieve a lot often use visualization as a tool to keep them driven. They take time to picture completing their goals and the success that comes with it. This isn’t just wishful thinking; it’s a focused exercise that helps guide their actions and maintain their motivation. By regularly visualizing their success, they reinforce their belief in their ability to achieve their goals and prime their minds to seize the opportunities that will help them get there.

12. They Maintain a Work-Life Balance.

Highly driven people understand that all work and no play isn’t sustainable. They make sure to balance their ambition with downtime, making time for hobbies, family, and friends. This balance is crucial; it prevents burnout and keeps their motivation fresh. They see time away from work not as lost productivity but as an essential part of their success. They return to their goals with renewed energy and a clearer mind, ready to tackle the next challenge.

13. They Reflect on Their Progress.

Regular reflection is a habit of people who accomplish a lot. They look back at what they’ve done, celebrating the wins and learning from the losses. This isn’t an annual event; it’s a frequent check-in to assess what’s working and what’s not. Reflecting allows them to adjust their strategies and ensure they’re always moving in the right direction. It helps them stay aligned with their values and goals, ensuring that their hard work is leading them to the life they want to live.

14. They Cultivate Patience.

Accomplished people know that big achievements don’t happen overnight; they understand the value of patience. They recognize that some goals take time to reach, and they’re okay with that. Instead of getting frustrated with the pace of progress, they focus on the small steps they can take each day. They’re comfortable with gradual improvement and don’t rush the process. This patience helps them stick with their goals for as long as it takes, and they don’t give up when results aren’t immediate. It’s their steady, persistent effort that often leads to remarkable accomplishments.

Gail is Bolde's social media and partnership manager, as well as an all-around behind-the-scenes renaissance woman. She worked for more than 25 years in her city's local government before making the switch to women's lifestyle and relationship sites, initially at HelloGiggles before making the switch to Bolde.