Snappy Comebacks For Dealing With Smug Know-It-Alls

Snappy Comebacks For Dealing With Smug Know-It-Alls

Know-it-alls love the sound of their own voice, but that doesn’t mean you have to be their audience. The next time one tries to outsmart you, shut ’em down with a smirk and one of these perfectly timed zingers.

1. “Wow, did you learn that on your first or second trip to the moon?”

Use this when they’re flaunting knowledge that seems a little over-the-top. It’s a playful way to acknowledge their input without letting them take over the conversation completely. It subtly hints that their expertise might be a bit inflated without directly challenging their knowledge (which is probably pretty non-existent anyway).

2. “Is there an off button, or do I need to unplug you?”

This one’s great for when someone just won’t stop talking. It’s cheeky and suggests that maybe it’s time for a little break from the info overload. It’s a humorous way to signal that the conversation could use a pause or a change in direction. Hopefully, they know how to read the room.

3. “I’ll make sure to add that to my ‘Things I Didn’t Need to Know’ list.”

When they share unsolicited facts or opinions, this comeback gently reminds them that not all information is crucial to your existence. It’s a light-hearted way to point out that their trivia might not be as essential as they clearly think it is.

4. “Congratulations! When’s the award ceremony?”

Perfect for moments when they seem particularly pleased with themselves for knowing something. It’s a lighthearted way to bring them back down to earth. This one playfully acknowledges their need for recognition without giving them the satisfaction they’re seeking.

5. “Oops, I think your Wikipedia page is showing.”

Use this when they’re spouting knowledge that sounds like it came straight from a quick Google search. It’s a humorous nudge that maybe they’re not as expert as they think. It lightly teases their reliance on surface-level information while keeping the tone friendly.

6. “Hold on, let me find my ‘I’m impressed’ face.”

This is a good response for when they’re expecting awe and you’re just not feeling it. It’s a playful way to show that you’re not as dazzled as they might hope. It also implies that their attempt to impress has fallen flat, without being too harsh.

7. “I was today years old when I realized I didn’t need to know that.”

A fun way to point out that their trivia isn’t as life-changing as they might think, wrapped up in a popular internet meme format. It’s a humorous way to acknowledge their input while also indicating its irrelevance to your daily life.

8. “And here I was, thinking I’d learn nothing new today!”

This sarcastic gem works well when they drop a particularly obvious or well-known fact, pretending it’s a profound insight. It gently mocks the triviality of their information without directly confronting their know-it-all attitude.

9. “Do you give out trophies for listening, or is this just a participation thing?”

Great for when they’ve been going on for a while, and you want to gently remind them that conversation is a two-way street. It humorously suggests that enduring their monologue should come with some form of reward, highlighting the one-sided nature of the exchange.

10. “Wait, was there a quiz on this later?”

This quip is perfect for when they’re laying out information as if you’ll be tested on it, adding a touch of humor to remind them that you’re just having a conversation, not sitting in a lecture. It’s a playful way to suggest that their detailed explanation might be a bit overkill for the situation.

11. “Are we earning credits for this conversation?”

This quip works well when they’re treating a casual chat like a college lecture. It’s a funny way to remind them that you’re not in a classroom and you’re not looking for extra credit.

12. “Should I be taking notes, or will this be on the final exam?”

When they start sounding like an overzealous professor, use this line to inject some humor into the situation. It playfully suggests that their level of detail might be more suited to an academic setting than a friendly conversation.

13. “Is this the part where I pretend to be shocked?”

This comeback is handy when they share something they think is earth-shattering, but to you, it’s old news. It’s a lighthearted way to acknowledge their revelation without feigning astonishment.

14. “Have you considered starting a podcast?”

When they’re on a roll, sharing insight after insight, suggest they channel their knowledge into a podcast. It’s a humorous way to point out their penchant for monologues while subtly hinting that you might not be their target audience.

15. “I’ll alert the media.”

This response is perfect for when they’re making a big deal out of something relatively minor. It’s a tongue-in-cheek way to acknowledge their announcement without getting caught up in the drama.

16. “There’s a TED Talk in there somewhere, I’m sure.”

When they’re really passionate about a topic, suggest their monologue could be a TED Talk. It’s a playful nod to their depth of knowledge while also hinting that their detailed exposition might be better suited for a different platform.

17. “I was just about to ask Google, but I guess I have you instead.”

Use this when they offer unsolicited facts or explanations. It’s a witty way to acknowledge their input while humorously suggesting that their unsolicited knowledge is as omnipresent as a search engine’s.

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Josh grew up in Connecticut and thought he could never be happier away from big bodies of water until he moved to Minneapolis and fell in love with it. He writes full-time, with his lifestyle content being published in the likes of Men's Health, Business Insider, and many more. When he's not writing, he likes running (but not enough to train for a marathon even though his buddy won't stop asking him).