Struggling With Anxiety Can Actually Make You A Better Partner

Struggling With Anxiety Can Actually Make You A Better Partner

Life with anxiety can be a serious struggle, especially when it comes to finding love. We wish we could just stop being anxious, but it doesn’t work that way. However, through our experience, we actually become better partners. Here’s why:

  1. We’re good listeners.We know that sometimes people just need a listening ear and to know that someone cares. We enjoy being able to help others because we identify with them.
  2. We actually understand.Whatever our loved one is going through, there’s a good chance we’ve been there. When we say that we understand, we mean that we understand from personal experience.
  3. We won’t tell anyone they’re “crazy.”We know exactly how much it sucks to be called crazy, so we don’t want to put anyone else through it. Even if we don’t agree with someone’s point of view, we realize that doesn’t mean they’re wrong and does nothing to make their feelings less legitimate.
  4. Sometimes we have proven solutions.We’ve been successfully surviving in an anxiety-filled world for a long time, so we’ve figured some things out along the way. It’s mutually advantageous to allow us to share our wisdom, because helping others has a positive effect on us too.
  5. We understand that reassurance isn’t just for the weak.We know that everyone needs reassurance sometimes, so we don’t mind providing it.
  6. Emotions are a normal part of life for us.Emotions make some people really awkward. Generally speaking, those of us who have experience with anxiety are pretty comfortable with emotion because we fall victim to it on a regular basis. Our own experience equips us better to handle it.
  7. We’re strong enough to get through anything.Strong people make the best partners, and people who deal with anxiety on a regular basis tend to be really strong because we’ve been given no other option. The road that brought us here was full of twists and turns, so we had to become really good at dodging the potholes.
  8. We’ll bask in the glow of the sun or dance in the rain with you.No matter what happens, good or bad, we’ll always help you see the best possible outcome and be there for support.
  9. We’re accustomed to multi-tasking.People who have anxiety are essentially always multi-tasking because we’re always keeping our anxiety in check while doing everything else we do. Some days it’s just background noise in our minds, but sometimes it gets louder than everything else we’re trying to focus on. Keeping the balance in our own heads is a daily exercise in multi-tasking, so the kind of multi-tasking that relationships require is second nature for us.
  10. Our love is unconditional.We know all about feeling like we’re not perfect enough to deserve love, even though we know that’s untrue. When we love, we do so unconditionally. You’ll never have to be anything other than who you are, and we wouldn’t want you to be.
Anna Martin Yonk is a freelance writer and blogger in sunny North Carolina. She loves hanging out with her goofy husband and two rescue dogs and can be found at the beach with a drink in hand whenever possible. You can find her on Instagram @mrsyonkdogmom or on her Facebook page.