Let’s be honest – love can make us all a little crazy. Our brains short-circuit, those sensible filters vanish, and suddenly, we’re doing truly ridiculous things. Here’s a rundown of the classic blunders people pull, all in the name of that crazy little thing called love. Don’t feel too bad, it happens to the best of us.
1. Stalking social media… obsessively.
One minute you’re checking their Instagram, the next you’re deep-diving into a Facebook profile from 2010. Before you know it, you can recite their cousin’s cat’s birthday. Creepy? Yes. Do we still do it? Absolutely. At least admit you’ve accidentally double-tapped a photo from five years ago, just to see if they’d notice…
2. Ignoring giant red flags
Love has the magical power to transform glaring faults into “cute little quirks.” Unreliable? Oh, they’re just spontaneous! Controlling? Well, that just shows how much they care, right? Wrong. Love goggles have a scary way of warping reality, so it’s worth having a trusted friend give you a good shake when those red flags start getting ridiculous.
3. Changing yourself to fit someone else’s mold
Suddenly obsessed with a sport you despise? Listening to music that makes your ears bleed? Love can make us bend ourselves into pretzels to please someone else, often losing a piece of ourselves along the way. Remember, the right person will love you for who you authentically are, bad playlists and all.
4. Pretending to be someone you’re not
In that early phase of infatuation, it’s tempting to embellish the truth a bit. Avid hiker? Sure! Fluent in French? Why not! Just hope you don’t get invited on a backpacking trip or asked to translate a restaurant menu… Eventually, the truth will come out, and it’s much better to be loved for the real you, even if that means admitting you get winded walking up a flight of stairs.
5. Sacrificing your own needs and happiness
Love should be a positive addition to your life, not the only thing in it. But occasionally those heart-eyes make us neglect our own friendships, goals, and self-care for the sake of pleasing our partner. It’s a slippery slope, so don’t forget to carve out time for things that fill your cup.
6. Waiting by the phone like it’s 1995
They said they’d call… why haven’t they?! Staring at your phone and analyzing every text (or lack thereof) is a fast track to anxiety. Remember, you’ve got a life to live! Get out there and do something fun; they can catch you when they catch up.
7. Abandoning your friends
New love can be intoxicating, making you want to ditch your squad for 24/7 couple time. But remember, true friends will be there for the long haul, even after the honeymoon phase fades. Don’t be the person who resurfaces months later, expecting your friends to drop everything and pick up where you left off.
8. Forgetting the “ick” exists
Suddenly, that annoying laugh or weird eating habit just seems adorable! While acceptance is important, don’t ignore the things that will genuinely bug you later down the line. The “ick” is a thing for a reason – it’s your subconscious warning you that something might not be quite right.
9. Overanalyzing EVERYTHING
“They used three exclamation points instead of two… they must hate me!” Love can turn us into detectives who love nothing more than reading into every word and interaction, often spiraling into pointless worry. Chill out, and give them the benefit of the doubt. They probably just really like you!
10. Justifying bad behavior
“They’re just having a bad day,” or “They didn’t mean it like that” are common excuses we make for our partners. While everyone has off moments, love shouldn’t mean accepting disrespect or mistreatment. Set your standards high and never forget you deserve to be treated with kindness.
11. Tolerating less than you deserve
When you’re smitten with someone, it can be easy to settle for less than you truly want and need. Remember, love shouldn’t be about lowering your standards but finding someone who elevates them. Don’t compromise your long-term happiness for a short-term infatuation.
12. Comparing your relationship to what you see online
Those picture-perfect Instagram couples? Their reality isn’t always as rosy as it seems. Social media is a highlight reel, not real life. Focus on the depth and authenticity of your own connection, messy and unfiltered moments included.
13. Rushing into major milestones
Love can make us speed up the timeline. Moving in after two dates? Proposing after a few months? Slowing down and letting things develop organically is usually the wiser path. Enjoy the journey, and don’t rush the destination.
14. Making your whole world revolve around them
Losing yourself in a relationship is a recipe for lost identity and potential heartbreak. Healthy love means maintaining your individuality, even while celebrating the partnership. Keep those hobbies, nurture those friendships, and never let yourself fade into the background of someone else’s life.
15. Thinking that love alone can fix everything
As powerful as love can be, it’s not a magic wand. If there are serious issues or incompatibilities, love might not be enough to make the relationship work long-term. It takes a lot more than love to build a truly solid foundation, so don’t be afraid to have those tough but necessary conversations.
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