Surprising Signs Someone Might Have A Dark Triad Personality

Surprising Signs Someone Might Have A Dark Triad Personality Shutterstock

When you hear the phrase “Dark Triad,” you probably envision something downright evil, but what does the term really mean and how is this personality type expressed? Keep your eyes peeled for these 16 personality traits. While one or two alone aren’t enough to indicate a problem, if someone possesses quite a few, it’s a major red flag.

1. They’re narcissistic.

This is an easy trait to be on the lookout for because it expresses itself in very visual ways. Narcissists only care about themselves and only see the world through their lens. They will never use grouped pronouns, only ever “I” or “me” since that’s the only person who matters to them. Once you start seeing it, you can’t stop.

2. They act in the Machiavellian spirit.

We all did English 101 and read the Jacobean plays, right? We know all about the evil characters who thought that the ends justified the means. When you see these traits translated into the present day, it seems especially careless and dispassionate. They only serve their own self-interest.

3. They demonstrate psychopathic tendencies.

Traits such as demonstrating a lack of remorse or complete and utter antipathy are very evident and memorable when you experience them because they really do stand out (and not in a good way). The next time your neighbor acts weird around you in that way, remember that it could be a sign that they have a Dark Triad personality.

4. They’re oddly cold towards you.

Like any normal people-pleaser, you notice when someone else doesn’t match your warm energy. When you receive nothing but cold indifference from specific people, you take notice. Keep in mind that their coldness could be a sign of more malignant personality traits and keep your distance if you can.

5. They’re way too focused on achievement.

woman talking to frustrated male colleague

Everyone is ambitious — that’s fine. However, some people are something different altogether. You can see it in their eyes at work. You know that you wouldn’t want to get in the way of them getting the top spot because while you’re unsure what would happen if you did, you’re pretty sure it would be something bad.

6. They will do anything to get what they want.

Sometimes people with Dark Triad personality traits in diluted forms get away with being called “entrepreneurial” and can get ahead in the corporate world. However, in concentrated forms, people won’t be impressed by the notion that someone will do anything they need to succeed — they’ll be scared.

7. They’re known for betrayals of trust.

It will be no great shock to realize that Dark Triad personality types aren’t an especially trustworthy group of people. They’ll happily betray their closest allies in order to get a step ahead. They may even boast about it — that’s a tell-tale sign.

8. They can be extremely aggressive.

It’s not uncommon to feel unsafe in the company of a person with suspected Dark Triad personality traits. They have an element of unpredictability and darkness within them that could push them to aggression. Leave immediately if you witness that. You don’t want to stick around to find out how these tendencies come to light.

9. They’re chronic liars.

Having a conversation with a Dark Triad personality type is a little like a performance: you’re never really trusting what they’re saying and you sense it’s all on the surface. You don’t make deep connections with people like this — generally, you try to avoid them to stop getting swept up in their lies.

10. They’re totally entitled.

Portrait of tired young woman sadness looking at camera sitting on bed on background of aggressive husband shouting on girlfriend at home. Concept of family scandal, crisis, domestic violence, abuse.

Whether it’s having grown up with a life of privilege or what, these people will always think the world owes them something. It may start off as cute but soon gets crazy if you start believing it too. They expect to be the center of everyone’s universe and when they’re not, things get ugly quickly.

11. They have a superiority complex.

narcissistic man looking in mirror

Some people are born more equal than others – that’s what George Orwell always told us. It’s one thing hearing that sentence, but it’s another when you see it in front of you. Seeing people who clearly think they’re better than everyone is uncomfortable. Super superior people may have a Dark Triad complex, especially if this is in tandem with other qualities and behaviors on this list.

12. They’re extreme manipulators.

Male and female colleagues looking at tablet PC. Business people are working at desk. They are sitting in textile factory.

Dark Triads are bad people, through and through. There may be underlying medical conditions, but it’s mostly the choices they make every day, including the decision to manipulate people. It serves only them and shows that they view their life as a game to be won. Beware if they think you’re a pawn.

13. They’re impulsive.

While they may seem distant and cold one minute, because of the unique combination of dastardly traits that comprise a Dark Triad personality, these people may snap in a split second and become manic. It’s not just when a guy takes you on a random “dining in the dark” date — it’s leading you down a blind alley territory. Whether it’s impulsively stealing something or just saying something out of hand, you’ll notice it.

14. They seem out of control.

Dark Triad people cannot be controlled because they possess such a complex combination of questionable traits. Association with them will cause stress and anxiety trying to get a read on them. If they’re only ever confusing you due to just how many conflicting (and frankly terrifying) traits they have, their unstable personality type could be the reason.

15. They may have a criminal past.

This isn’t a judgment, it’s a statement. Criminal activity is often underpinned by exactly the combination of hostile and erratic behavior that they perform. Be mindful of this.

16. They have a predisposition towards violence.

couple shouting at each otheriStock/South_agency

I’m not saying that every selfish person is violent — having personality traits of a Dark Triad is much more serious than that. If you see violent stirrings within someone you know that fits this profile, be very cautious that you don’t get swept up in it.

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Hannah has a Masters degree in Romantic and Victorian literature in Scotland and spends her spare time writing anything from essays to short fiction about the life and times of the frogs in her local pond! She loves musical theatre, football, anything with potatoes, and remains a firm believer that most of the problems in this world can be solved by dancing around the kitchen to ABBA. You can find her on Instagram at @_hannahvic.