Things Narcissists Do To Tear Down Your Confidence

Things Narcissists Do To Tear Down Your Confidence

If someone in your life leaves you feeling drained, insecure, and unsure of yourself, pay attention! Narcissists use subtle tactics to break down your confidence over time. It’s time you start noticing their insidious techniques, so you can finally reclaim your power and spot these toxic people from a mile away.

1. They constantly criticize you about every little thing.

Narcissists love to find fault in pretty much everything you do so that they can create an environment where you’re always unsure of your actions. This relentless criticism can deliver a real blow to your self-confidence. The constant negative feedback can make it hard to maintain a positive self-image.

2. They gaslight you.

Narcissists are great at manipulating situations to make you question your memory and sanity. By denying their actions or words, they make you doubt your perception of reality and destroy your confidence in your ability to think straight and remember things correctly. Over time, this can lead to a lot of anxiety and a loss of trust in your own experiences.

3. They play the victim.

When you confront them, narcissists quickly turn the tables and paint themselves as the person who’s been done wrong by everyone they know and the universe at large. This tactic can confuse and guilt you into believing you’re at fault, even when you’re the one who’s actually the victim. It shifts the focus from their behavior to your supposed bad behaviors.

4. They give backhanded compliments.

Young couple arguing at home needs couples therapy

Compliments from narcissists often come with a hidden insult, leaving you feeling more demeaned than praised. This approach subtly lowers your self-esteem while maintaining their superiority (or so they hope). Constantly hearing comments like this can lead to a gradual erosion of your self-worth. Don’t let it happen!

5. They embarrass you in public.

Narcissists may subtly or overtly put you down or go out of their way to make you look bad in social settings, undermining your confidence in front of other people. This public humiliation can be particularly damaging to your self-esteem, and it’s a form of emotional blackmail you should never put up with. It not only affects how you see yourself but can also influence how other people see you as well, which is really unfair.

6. They withhold affection to get you where they want you.

Narcissists control the flow of affection and attention, and they use it as a tool to manipulate and control. This unpredictable pattern can leave you constantly seeking their approval and validation. The lack of consistent emotional support can create a sense of insecurity and dependency.

7. They compare you to other people.

Narcissists will often compare you unfavorably to anyone and everyone else, setting unrealistic standards for you to live up to in the process. This constant comparison can make you feel inadequate and, quite frankly, like crap. It can stifle your growth and discourage you from pursuing your goals, which is silly, but it happens.

8. They sabotage your success by whatever means necessary.

Narcissists often try to undermine your achievements or create obstacles to your success to ensure remain dependent on them for validation. If they’re successful, it prevents you from fully realizing your potential. Their actions can create a pervasive fear of success, especially since any achievement you do have might lead to further sabotage.

9. They isolate you from your support system.

By distancing you from friends and family, narcissists make sure that their perspective dominates your life. This isolation can weaken your support system and make you more vulnerable to their influence. When you have fewer social connections outside of the relationship, it can and does exacerbate feelings of loneliness and dependence.

10. They project their insecurities onto you.

Narcissists often deflect the things they feel self-conscious about onto you, criticizing or blaming you for the issues they refuse to acknowledge in themselves. This projection can be confusing and damaging to your self-image. It forces you to defend yourself against unfounded accusations, further distracting from the narcissist’s own flaws.

11. They deny or belittle your achievements.

Narcissists often refuse to acknowledge your successes, or they minimize your hard work and accomplishments. This denial can make you question the value of your efforts and accomplishments. Over time, this persistent underestimation can erode your motivation and diminish your drive to pursue new goals.

12. They invalidate your feelings.

Narcissists frequently dismiss or invalidate your emotions, suggesting that your feelings are irrational or overblown. This lack of empathy and understanding can make you feel isolated and misunderstood. The constant belittlement of your emotions can lead to a suppressed emotional life, where you might hesitate to express your feelings even when it’s necessary.

13. They try to punish you with the silent treatment.

When displeased or seeking control, narcissists often resort to the silent treatment, refusing to communicate with you. This form of emotional withholding can be particularly confusing and hurtful. The silent treatment not only serves as a form of punishment but also instills a sense of fear and uncertainty about their moods and reactions.

14. They shift the blame in your direction.

Narcissists are adept at shifting blame, ensuring that they are never at fault for any wrongdoing. This tactic can leave you constantly on the defensive, trying to prove your innocence. Always being blamed for everything even when it’s clearly not your fault can still do a number in undermining your self-esteem since you’re led to believe that you’re always the one to blame.

15. They use intimidation to control you.

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Narcissists may use intimidation tactics, such as aggressive behavior or threats, to maintain control and dominance. This creates an environment of fear, where you’re always wary of triggering a negative response. Living in a state of constant apprehension can severely impact your mental well-being and sense of security.

16. They demand perfection.

Narcissists often have unrealistic expectations of perfection from those around them. This demand for flawlessness can set you up for inevitable failure, as no one can meet such high standards consistently. The pressure to be perfect can lead to excessive self-criticism and a feeling of never being good enough, regardless of your achievements or efforts.

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Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.