Things That Look Like Laziness But Are Actually Signs Of Burnout

Feeling exhausted, unmotivated, and struggling to get things done doesn’t always mean you’re lazy. Often, it’s your body’s way of screaming for help. Burnout can mimic laziness, making it tricky to recognize. Below are some commonly misunderstood behaviors that might seem like you’re slacking, but are actually red flags signaling you’re mentally and physically depleted.

1. You’re totally wiped out.

You might get eight hours of solid shut-eye every night but still feel like you’re trudging through mud. You feel exhausted and drained all the time, and it doesn’t go away. People might see you walking around in a fog and think you need to have coffee to bring you back to life, but it’s not that easy.

2. You’re not sparkly-eyed about your passions.

fed up guy on couch at christmas

Remember when you could talk for hours about the things you loved? That excited feeling has fizzled out. Things that used to bring you joy feel more like chores. This is a classic burnout sign: even your passions lose their luster when you’re mentally and physically exhausted. (By the way, unresolved burnout can be a risk factor for depression.)

3. You can’t seem to focus.

guy looking stressed at desk with laptop

You’ve got your huge to-do list at work but you can’t seem to concentrate on any of it long enough to start checking things off. You might worry that co-workers who see you will think you’re lazy or unproductive, but you’re overwhelmed and too stressed to deal with your daily tasks. Not only does burnout make you lack concentration, but it’s even messing with your ability to retain memories.

4. You’re super irritable all the time.

People ask if you’d like to hang out or go to the movies and you mumble that you’d rather stay home and play video games. While they might write you off as lazy, you could be so moody and irritable because you’re approaching burnout (or already there). Stress is overflowing and becoming too much for you to handle, so it’s negatively affecting your mood.

5. You’re apathetic in your relationships.

Burnout can make you withdraw. You might cancel plans, ghost friends, and feel disconnected from the people you love. It’s NOT because you don’t care, but because you’re running on empty. If you’re struggling to connect, be honest with yourself and those close to you. Talk to your partner about how burnout might be causing your apathy. Understanding what you’re going through can help them be more supportive.

6. You can’t stop thinking about the stress you’re under.

You try to relax but your mind won’t stop racing. People might think you’re just chilling, but inside you feel anything but calm. This hidden stress, especially at night, is a big sign of burnout. It makes sense that sleep becomes a struggle when your brain can’t find the “off” switch.

7. You don’t feel motivated at all.

Feeling completely unmotivated to start new things doesn’t mean you’re suddenly lazy. It’s often a sign that you’re burnt out, or dangerously close to it. Burnout saps your energy, both mentally and physically. Suddenly, even tasks that used to be easy feel like climbing a mountain. Beating yourself up won’t help – recognize this lack of enthusiasm as your body and mind begging for a break.

8. You’re taking more and more sick days.

woman sipping tea from mug

Lately, it seems like you’re always taking sick days or getting sick notes from your doctor to get out of work and other commitments. If you’re experiencing more colds and flu than usual, that’s a red flag for burnout. That’s the thing to remember — laziness doesn’t make you physically sick!

9. You dream of staying home all weekend.

Even if you love spending time on your own in general, burnout can make you want to do more of that. You might want to veg out on the couch all weekend instead of catching up with your best friends or visiting with your family. Burnout can also make you want to isolate yourself, which is why you crave crawling under the covers and being completely alone.

10. You can’t shake your negative attitude.

Feeling lazy and feeling burnt out can look similar on the surface – you’re just not that into doing much of anything. But, there’s a key difference: with burnout, you often feel trapped, helpless, or overwhelmed as well. It’s more than not wanting to get off the couch, it’s a deep emotional exhaustion.

11. You struggle to get out of bed.

Lazy mornings happen, but burnout fatigue is something else. It’s not just struggling to get out of bed, it’s that heavy, exhausted feeling that follows you all day. You might want to crawl back under the covers every chance you get.

12. You can’t help but procrastinate.

You probably feel guilty when you can’t summon the energy to get through your tasks and work for the day, but you’ve become the king or queen of procrastination. Here’s a clue the issue isn’t that you’re all talk and no action: if you’re feeling the need to put off all your normal tasks, not just one particularly boring one, you could be burning out. It’s thanks to that mental fatigue.

13. Your to-do list is overflowing.

It’s only natural that with all that procrastination, your to-do list grows longer. Each chore is staring you down, making you feel even more stressed and guilty. It’s a vicious cycle – the more overwhelmed you get, the harder it is to tackle anything. Burnout makes you feel buried alive by your responsibilities, leading to even more stress and exhaustion.

14. You get tired really quickly.

You’re not just tired, you’re tired down to your bones — that’s burnout, not laziness. You might also find that you get really exhausted after doing just one thing, like washing your hair or going grocery shopping for the week. You just don’t have the physical or mental energy to feel good after doing a bunch of stuff.

15. You’re riddled with overthinking.

If you’re constantly overthinking everything, this could cause you to miss out on opportunities for joy in your life. It’s also a surprising sign of burnout, especially if this isn’t something you usually struggle with. So, while you might seem like you’re lazy because you’re always analyzing things instead of taking action, that’s not necessarily the case.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.