Let’s face it, we all judge and get judged sometimes. Here are some common things you might do in public that could lead to a bit of silent judgment.
1. Being Glued to Your Phone
We’ve all seen it – someone constantly on their phone, even in social situations. Whether you’re at dinner with friends or in a meeting, constantly checking your phone can come off as rude or disinterested. It might seem like you’re not valuing the time you’re spending with others.
2. Loud and Personal Phone Calls
Taking a loud, personal call in a public space like a cafe or on public transport can attract silent side-eyes. People often feel uncomfortable hearing personal details, and it can be seen as a lack of awareness or consideration for those around you.
3. Not Respecting Personal Space
In lines or crowded places, encroaching on someone’s personal space is a big no-no. Whether it’s standing too close or bumping into people without apologizing, invading personal space can be perceived as disrespectful and inconsiderate.
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5. Littering
Dropping trash on the ground when there’s a bin nearby is a surefire way to attract disapproval. It shows a lack of respect for the environment and the community. People often view littering as lazy and irresponsible.
6. Not Controlling Your Pets
If you have a pet with you, especially a dog, people expect you to have control over it. Allowing your pet to jump on people, bark loudly, or not cleaning up after them can lead to silent judgment. It’s about being considerate and responsible as a pet owner.
7. Jumping Lines
Cutting in line or trying to get ahead unfairly is often frowned upon. It’s seen as selfish and disrespectful to those who have been waiting. This kind of behavior can quickly earn you negative silent reviews from onlookers.
8. Playing Music or Videos Out Loud
Playing music, videos, or games out loud in public spaces like buses, trains, or parks can be annoying to others. Using headphones is the norm, and not doing so can come off as inconsiderate of others’ peace and quiet.
9. Ignoring Basic Courtesies
Simple things like not saying ‘please’ or ‘thank you’, not holding the door for the person behind you, or not acknowledging someone when they let you pass can be perceived negatively. These basic courtesies are often seen as a measure of your politeness and respect for others. It can make you seem like a totally classless person. That’s not what you want, is it?
10. Talking Over People
Constantly interrupting or talking over someone in a conversation can be seen as disrespectful. It might seem like you think your contributions are more important than theirs, which can be off-putting to both the person you’re speaking with and those observing.
11. Not Offering Your Seat to people who need it more than you
In public transportation, not offering your seat to elderly, pregnant, or disabled individuals can often lead to silent judgment. It’s generally seen as a basic act of kindness and respect in public settings.
12. Overly Public Displays of Affection
While it’s perfectly fine to show affection, overly intimate gestures in public, like excessive kissing or cuddling, can make those around you feel awkward. People might perceive it as a lack of awareness or consideration for the public nature of the space.
13. Speaking Loudly in Quiet Places
Talking loudly in places where quietness is expected, like libraries, quiet train carriages, or museums, can attract disapproving glances. It’s important to be aware of your surroundings and modulate your voice accordingly.
14. Letting your kids act out and not stopping or disciplining them
If you’re with children who are being disruptive in public, not addressing their behavior can lead to silent criticism. People often expect adults to guide children on appropriate public behavior.
15. Blocking Walkways or Aisles
Standing in the middle of walkways, aisles, or doorways, especially in busy areas, can be frustrating for others trying to get by. It’s often viewed as a lack of spatial awareness or consideration for others’ need to move freely.
16. Being Rude or Abrasive to Service Staff
How you treat service staff, like waiters, cashiers, or customer service representatives, is often closely watched. Being rude or demanding to these individuals can make observers perceive you as arrogant or unkind.
17. Not Following Dress Codes
Wearing overly casual or inappropriate attire in settings that have a specific dress code, like a formal event, a workplace, or a religious setting, can draw silent judgment. It can be seen as a lack of respect for the occasion or the place.
18. Using Speakerphone for Conversations
Having a phone conversation on speaker in public places forces others to listen in on your conversation, which can be seen as inconsiderate. It’s generally expected to keep phone conversations private, especially in shared spaces.
19. Ignoring Hygiene Norms
Personal hygiene matters in public settings. Neglecting basic hygiene, like covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze, can lead to discomfort and judgment from those around you. It’s seen as a basic aspect of being considerate to others, especially in close quarters.
20. Lacking Table Manners
Eating with your mouth open, speaking while chewing, or making a lot of noise can draw silent judgment from fellow diners. Table manners are often seen as a reflection of your upbringing and consideration for others around you.