9 Ways Being A Hopeless Romantic Might Be Keeping You Single

9 Ways Being A Hopeless Romantic Might Be Keeping You Single

You may not be holding out for your own personal Prince Charming 0r Snow White, but you still might be holding out hope for some pretty unrealistic things when it comes to love. There’s nothing wrong with being a hopeless romantic, at least in theory. In reality, in certain ways, it may be keeping you from finding your person — here’s why.

1. You Might Be Overlooking Something Real.

woman covering her face with hands yellow sweater

Being a hopeless romantic can sometimes mean you’re holding out for a fairy-tale romance that’s straight out of a movie. You might be waiting for that perfect, fireworks moment and overlooking genuine connections that don’t fit that mold. Real relationships often start quietly and build over time, not with grand gestures or love-at-first-sight moments. By expecting every encounter to be epic, you could be passing up on some really great people who could be a perfect match for you. It’s about finding a balance between the dreamy romance and the real, sometimes imperfect, but beautiful connections.

2. Unrealistic Expectations Can Lead to Disappointment.

Hopeless romantics often have a picture-perfect idea of love and relationships, which can set the bar unrealistically high. When you expect every date to be magical and every partner to be flawless, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment. Real people have quirks and flaws, and real relationships involve compromise and growth. If you’re always looking for the ideal partner who ticks every box in your dream list, you might miss out on someone truly special who could be right in front of you. It’s important to remember that perfect is often the enemy of good.

3. Chasing Grand Gestures Might Scare People Off

If you’re a hopeless romantic, you might love grand gestures of affection, like surprise dates or heartfelt love letters. While these are wonderful, going too big too soon can sometimes be overwhelming for the other person. Not everyone is comfortable with intense displays of affection early on, and it could scare potential partners away. It’s about pacing the relationship and understanding that deep connections are built over time through shared experiences, trust, and understanding, not just grand romantic gestures.

4. Being Preoccupied with ‘The One’ Might Blind You to Others.

The concept of ‘The One’ is a staple for hopeless romantics. However, being fixated on finding this mythical perfect person can blind you to the potential of other relationships. There might not be just one perfect person for you, but several great matches, each bringing something different to your life. By focusing solely on finding ‘The One’, you might overlook the value and joy that other relationships can bring. It’s about being open to different types of people and experiences, rather than holding out for a single idealized match.

5. Fear of Settling Can Keep You Alone.

Hopeless romantics often fear settling for anything less than an epic love story. This fear can keep you from committing to a relationship that might be great but doesn’t fit your ideal narrative. The truth is, no relationship is perfect, and waiting for perfection can mean missing out on genuinely good relationships. It’s about understanding that settling doesn’t mean being with someone who doesn’t make you happy, but rather adjusting your expectations to embrace the beauty of an imperfect, real relationship.

6. You Might Be Stuck in the Past.

Portrait of a confident businessman in modern office. Shot of young businessman standing with crossed arms looking at camera.

Sometimes, being a hopeless romantic means you’re holding onto ideas of love from past relationships or experiences. Maybe you’re comparing everyone you meet to an ex or a high school sweetheart, expecting them to measure up to a past love. This can keep you stuck in a loop, unable to see the potential in new relationships because they don’t fit the mold of your past. Moving forward means letting go of these old benchmarks and being open to the unique qualities new partners bring.

7. You Could Be Ignoring Your Own Needs.

Portrait of confident Cuban woman in the city.

In your quest for the ultimate romance, you might be putting your own needs and happiness on the back burner. You’re so focused on finding someone who fits your romantic ideal that you forget to ask if they’re actually right for you. It’s essential to remember that a healthy relationship involves two people meeting each other’s needs. Make sure you’re not so swept up in the romance that you forget to check if this person makes you happy, respects you, and aligns with your life goals.

8. You Might Be Living in a Fantasy.

serious man sitting on table

Hopeless romantics often have a tendency to live in a fantasy world when it comes to relationships. You might be so in love with the idea of love that you create unrealistic fantasies about how a relationship should be. This can lead to disappointment when reality doesn’t match up with your daydreams. Keeping your feet on the ground and recognizing the difference between fantasy and reality in relationships is key. Real love is about acceptance, understanding, and growing together, not just about living in a romantic dream.

9. You May Avoid Putting Yourself Out There.

If you’re a hopeless romantic, you might be waiting for love to find you in a serendipitous, magical way, which means you might not be putting yourself out there to meet potential partners. You could be passing up on opportunities to meet new people because it doesn’t feel like the romantic scenario you’ve envisioned. Remember, sometimes you have to make your own magic happen by being proactive in your search for love. This might mean joining dating sites, going out more, or simply being open to setups by friends.

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Sinitta Weston grew up in Edinburgh but moved to Sydney, Australia to for college and never came back. She works as a chemical engineer during the day and at night, she writes articles about love and relationships. She's her friends' go-to for dating advice (though she struggles to take the same advice herself). Her INFJ personality makes her extra sensitive to others' feelings and this allows her to help people through tough times with ease. Hopefully, her articles can do that for you.