What A Man’s Beard Style Reveals About His Personality

What A Man’s Beard Style Reveals About His Personality

As a man, I can fully admit that I’m very attached to my facial hair. I’ve had a beard since I was about 19, and now, more than two decades later, it’s still going strong. I never gave much thought to the style of beard I chose (the full beard, just FYI), but reading up on what each style says about the guy wearing it was pretty eye-opening. Here’s what your beard says about your personality.

The Full Beard

If a man sports a full beard, he is likely confident and self-assured. He’s a natural leader who isn’t afraid to take charge when needed. He appreciates the simple things in life and values authenticity. He might be a bit of an old soul, with a love for tradition and a penchant for wisdom beyond his years. Yet, beneath that rugged exterior, there could be a soft heart that values deep, meaningful relationships.

The Stubble

A man with stubble often embodies the perfect blend of casual and calculated. He’s flexible, adaptable, and knows how to balance work and play. He might be a bit of a charmer, using his laid-back vibe and boyish charm to win over hearts. He doesn’t stress over small stuff; instead, he prefers to go with the flow, embracing life’s unpredictability.

The Goatee

A goatee-wearing man is likely creative and individualistic. He’s not afraid to stand out from the crowd and express his unique perspective. He might love engaging in intellectual conversations, sharing his ideas, and challenging conventional thinking. Despite his independent streak, he’s also a team player who values cooperation and collaboration.

The Moustache

A man who chooses a moustache over a full beard might be a bit of a trendsetter. He values style and isn’t afraid to experiment with his look. He’s likely sociable, outgoing, and a bit of a bon vivant, enjoying the finer things in life. He might be a little bit of a romantic at heart, appreciating chivalry and classic charm.

The Clean Shaven

If a man prefers to keep his face clean-shaven, he’s likely practical and efficient. He values simplicity and straightforwardness, both in his personal and professional life. He might be a bit of a perfectionist, striving for excellence in everything he does. He’s reliable and dependable, someone you can count on when the going gets tough.

The Beardstache

A man sporting a beardstache, a combination of a moustache and a little stubble, is likely adventurous and fun-loving. He likes to break the mold, often finding conventional norms too restrictive. He’s spontaneous, enjoys trying new things, and isn’t afraid to take risks. He might be the life of the party, always ready to bring a dash of excitement and laughter.

The Balbo

A man with a Balbo beard, a combination of a mustache and a beard but without sideburns, is likely independent and a bit of a free spirit. He’s not one to follow the crowd; instead, he carves his own path. He might be a bit of a dreamer, always full of ideas and plans for the future. He’s likely ambitious, always striving to reach new heights in his pursuits.

The Van Dyke

A man who sports a Van Dyke, a style featuring a detached mustache and goatee, might be quite an artistic soul. This beard style is often associated with creative types, from painters to rockstars. If a man chooses this expressive style, he might be a bit of a nonconformist, unafraid to go against the grain and express his individuality. He’s likely to have a vivid imagination and a unique perspective on life. He’s not one to shy away from the spotlight, but instead, he enjoys making a statement and leaving a lasting impression.

The Chin Strap

A man with a chin strap beard, a thin line of hair that follows the jawline, is likely meticulous and detail-oriented. This beard style requires regular upkeep and precision, suggesting a personality that values order and consistency. He’s likely to be disciplined and responsible, preferring to have a plan rather than leaving things to chance. His lifestyle is likely organized and structured, reflecting his systematic approach to life. Despite his serious demeanor, he might also have a playful side, appreciating the occasional surprise and spontaneity.

The Mutton Chops

If a man opts for mutton chops, wide strips of hair extending from the hairline to the corners of the mouth, he might be quite the bold personality. This beard style is far from ordinary, suggesting an individual who’s not afraid to stand out and be different. He’s likely to be bold and adventurous, always ready for a new challenge or experience. He might have a love for history and nostalgia, given this beard style’s vintage origins. He’s likely confident, assured, and comfortable in his own skin, unafraid to show his true colors.

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Jeff graduated from NYU with a degree in Political Science and moved to Australia for a year before eventually settling back in Brooklyn with his yellow lab, Sunny, and his girlfriend, Mia. He works in IT during the day and writes at night. In the future, he hopes to publish his own novel.