Woman Spends 15 Years Getting Revenge On Man Who Spit On Her Friend

Woman Spends 15 Years Getting Revenge On Man Who Spit On Her Friend

A woman on TikTok has revealed that she’s spent the past 15 years getting revenge on a man who once spit on her friend at a comedy show. Linda Solley Hurd told her followers that the friend accidentally spilled a drink on the man in question, and his response was absolutely disgusting.

  1. The guy didn’t take the accidental spill in his stride. According to Hurd, instead of accepting the friend’s apology and moving on, he called the friend a “stupid fat b..ch” and spit on her. What a jerk!
  2. Solley decided she was going to get revenge. She started by somehow managing to find the guy’s Facebook page and discovering that he really loved “Breaking Bad” and “The Walking Dead.” Her revenge plan started hilariously enough, with Solley creating fake accounts with which she could send him spoilers on the shows as soon as the episodes aired.
  3. Of course, things didn’t end there. Soon after, Solley ended up being in a class with the guy in question, and she used the experience to get more info on him so she could continue to get revenge for her friend.
  4. Around eight years later, Solley discovered that the guy was engaged to one of her friends. She told his fiancee what he’d done back in the day, and that’s when Solley got her ultimate revenge: His fiancee decided to break up with him over it and call off the wedding.
  5. Did Solley go too far? Not really — she didn’t necessarily think the fiancee was going to end her engagement over the story, but she did think the woman deserved to know what he’d done and the kind of person he was. Good for her!

Jennifer has been the managing editor of Bolde since its launch in 2014. Before that, she was the founding editor of HelloGiggles and also worked as an entertainment writer for Bustle and Digital Spy. Her work has been published in Bon Appetit, Decider, Vanity Fair, The New York TImes, and many more.