10 Marriage Secrets That The Happiest Couples Swear By

Being in a happy marriage may seem like a pipe dream, especially in 2022, but it’s still possible. As rare as happy, healthy long-term relationships seem to be these days, they do exist. So how do these couples make it work? They know and live by these marriage secrets keep their connection strong.

  1. You have to be willing to forgive and forget. Ask any old and happy couple and they’ll tell you that they couldn’t have come this far if it wasn’t for forgiveness. You see, marriage is an institution of two imperfect individuals and you’ll no doubt disagree and annoy each other from time to time. Realizing that you’re both humans who make mistakes makes it easier to forgive each other and offer one another grace every now and then.
  2. Communication really is key. This is the perfect ingredient for happy couples. If I was to rank all the marriage secrets in a descending order, this would be the first. There’s no way your marriage will thrive if you don’t communicate or are a poor communicator. And even though silence is a form of communication, it’s surely not the best way to speak what you feel. You’ll only be heard if you tell your partner what you think, what you feel, and what you need. They obviously aren’t going to read your mind and happy couples use this marriage secret as a weapon to guard their marriage.
  3. You should never stop having fun. Marriage isn’t a destination but rather, a journey. It’s sad that couples tend to settle after marriage and stop putting much effort, if any, to make their relationship better. If you desire to have a happy marriage and I trust you do, you gotta put in the work, consistently. The pillow fights, dates, gifting, and playing with your partner should never stop.
  4. Respect is vital. You, of course already know this but we can’t emphasize it enough. It’s so apparent that you should respect your partner but couples still find it difficult to respect each other’s space. Even in marriage, there are boundaries to be respected. It’s the only way you’ll both be happy.
  5. Focus on your partner’s strengths rather than their weaknesses. You have flaws and you need to realize that your partner has them too. However, you also have strengths. If you can focus on each other’s positive traits and avoid focusing on your weaknesses, you’ll be at a much better place in your marriage. Dwelling on each other’s weaknesses is the perfect recipe for a failed relationship and you don’t want that.

More marriage secrets of the happiest couples

  1. You have to keep working on yourself. This is one of the marriage secrets that people tend to ignore. Couples who expect their partners to complete them and bring them happiness will always be disappointed. Everyone should first work on themselves individually for a happy marriage. If you have childhood trauma that is affecting your relationship, seek inner healing. Learn to be happy by yourself so that you don’t expect your partner to be your only source of happiness.
  2. It’s important to support each other in joy and sorrow. When couples make an oath to stand by each other at all times, some don’t understand how deep that really goes. It’s easy to support each other in good times but not always easy to do so during tough times. However, for a happy marriage, you should support your partner even when they’re broke, stressed, sick, or in debt. In the future, you’ll look back at such moments and be glad that you stood the test of time.
  3. Keeping the romance alive takes work but it’s rewarding. It’s a sad reality that romance declines in some marriages instead of getting better. Happy couples swear by nurturing romance as one of their biggest marriage secrets. They commit to keeping their romance flame burning and fulfilling each other’s romantic needs. This way, none of them feels like they need to look for fulfillment elsewhere. They understand that the grass is green where it’s being watered and make sure to water their own grass.
  4. Resolve your conflicts rather than dragging them out. As we already mentioned, conflicts are part of every marriage. However, how you resolve your conflicts determines if your marriage will be thriving or barely surviving. Instead of running away from conflicts, happy couples will work on their disagreements in a healthy manner. Where they can’t agree, they’ll agree to disagree. Happy couples also know when it’s time to seek intervention from a therapist or a mediator so that their marriage doesn’t suffer the repercussions of unresolved conflicts.
  5. The little things matter. Those little things we ignore or think they’re too small to be noticed make up one of the most important marriage secrets you need to be a happy couple. Happy couples believe in being kind to each other, appreciating and complimenting each other, and laughing together. Helping your partner do the dishes might be a small act but it makes a big difference. Even rubbing their feet after a long day at work is good enough to make them smile. It’s those many small acts of kindness and care that build up a happy and enviable marriage.
Lifestyle Content Writer/Mom/Nature lover