10 Phrases Only People With A Sense Of Entitlement Use

Humility is a trait we can all do with possessing in large doses, but some people seriously lack it. Instead, they carry around a sense of entitlement that leads them to say some truly bonkers things. Here are some of the most shockingly obnoxious phrases to come out of their mouths. Please don’t be someone who says any of these things!

1. “I deserve to be here more than others.”

First of all, no one “deserves” things more than others. Everyone is worthy of good things in life, and while you may have worked hard and been at something for years, you’re not the only one. This phrase reeks of a sense of entitlement and also implies that you think other people are beneath you in some way, which simply isn’t true. You deserve to be there, yes — and so does everyone else. Obviously, there are always times when favoritism or nepotism come into play, and those situations are totally unfair. However, if you have a baseline sense of superiority, you need to stop.

2. “Why should I wait in line when I can go straight to the front?”

Hm, I don’t know, maybe because everyone else is waiting too? What makes you so special that you think you can just skip past everyone? Oh, right, a sense of entitlement. At the end of the day, you’ll get your turn when it’s your turn. There’s no special pass that means you get to push your way to the front.

3. “Do you know who I am?”

Even if I do know who you are, I don’t like you very much. Anyone who uses this phrase is like a badly written villain from a 1990s TV drama. It’s laughable and literally no one will take you serious if you say this. It paints you as someone who’s not only up their own backside but also completely disconnected from reality. I don’t care if you’re the president of the United States. You’re just a regular ol’ human being like the rest of us, at the end of the day.

4. “I shouldn’t have to deal with this; someone else can handle it.”

Obviously, there are times when this phrase is applicable. If you work in accounting and someone is coming to you with an HR issue, obviously you shouldn’t have to deal with it. However, if you’re brushing off tasks because you believe they’re beneath you in some way, you need to get a grip (and lose the sense of entitlement). Good leaders know that they should never ask anyone else to do something they wouldn’t do themselves. For instance, when I worked at McDonald’s as a teenager, my manager was just as happy to sweep fries off the floor as I was (which wasn’t very, but you get the point).

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6. “That rule doesn’t apply to me.”

All rules reply to you, dillweed. Rules exist for a reason, whether for someone’s safety, to maintain order, etc. There aren’t many (good) exceptions to rules, and thinking that you’re somehow exempt simply because you don’t like it or it inconveniences you in some way is just ridiculous. Abide by the rules like everyone else. If you don’t, pay the consequences. It’s really that simple.

7. “I expect to be treated better than this.”

Caveat here: we should all expect to be treated with respect, courtesy, and consideration by pretty much everyone we cross paths with in life. That’s not a problem. However, many people with a sense of entitlement say this when they feel like they should have the proverbial red carpet rolled out for them at every available opportunity because they’re a special snowflake and the world revolves around them. In the great words of Randy Jackson, “It’s a no from me, dawg.”

8. “I don’t need to apologize; I didn’t do anything wrong.”

This one is a big ol’ layered hot mess. People who think they never do anything wrong can’t (or simply won’t) take responsibility for their actions, which is a whole other level of delusion. On top of that, thinking that you don’t need to apologize when you’ve hurt or wronged someone else (even if you believe you were in the right) is an eye-roll-worthy level of self-aggrandizement that I don’t even have words for. If you screw up, own it. Then say you’re sorry for it and mean it. It really is that simple.

9. “I should be getting more recognition for my work.”

Join the club, dude(tte). Plenty of people are hard workers who don’t get nearly enough credit for all they contribute. That doesn’t make it right, but it’s an injustice we all face, not just you. Also, if your employer is genuinely decent, thanks you for what you do, pays your wages on time, and doesn’t hassle you too much, what more do you want? Only someone with a serious sense of entitlement thinks they need to be celebrated on a daily basis for basically fulfilling their job description. And if you’re killing yourself and going above and beyond thanklessly? I dunno, how about just stop?

10. “I’m not doing that; it’s beneath me.”

Again, nothing is beneath anyone. I don’t care if you’re Jeff Bezos — you can stack boxes on a shelf or drive a truck or whatever other tasks you believe are reserved for the peons beneath you. There are plenty of people with this bad attitude, and all of them are insufferable losers who are completely disconnected from the everyday experiences of those around them. Don’t be this person. Be willing to do anything to help, no matter how lowly you perceive it to be. Why is it okay for someone else to do but not you? What makes you different? It might be time to give yourself a long, hard look in the mirror.

11. “They should be grateful I even showed up.”

LOL, no. Your presence is not a present (and you’re not Kanye West, who is universally perceived as delusional to the nth degree, anyway). Is it great that you showed up? Arguably, I suppose — but your sense of entitlement leading you to believe that you’re the star of the show and that people are somehow indebted to you just for walking into a room is cuckoo. Grow up.

Piper Ryan is a NYC-based writer and matchmaker who works to bring millennials who are sick of dating apps and the bar scene together in an organic and efficient way. To date, she's paired up more than 120 couples, many of whom have gone on to get married. Her work has been highlighted in The New York Times, Time Out New York, The Cut, and many more.

In addition to runnnig her own business, Piper is passionate about charity work, advocating for vulnerable women and children in her local area and across the country. She is currently working on her first book, a non-fiction collection of stories focusing on female empowerment.