Have you ever been on a date or hanging with someone from work and you just feel like something’s off and it’s definitely coming from them? Maybe you can’t put your finger on it, but your gut’s telling you that they’re filled with bad vibes. Yikes! Take a step back and read these 10 reasons why this might be happening. They could help you figure out if you should give ’em a chance or step away for good.
1. They’re Knee-Deep In A Bad Day.
If someone’s having a bad day from hell, this could cause them to feel stressed or they could be in a bad mood, which is now rubbing off on you. Maybe the person needs to take some time out to deal with their feelings, but hopefully they could open up to you so you know what’s going on. It makes it worse if they’re sitting there seething.
2. They’re Socially Awkward (And Misunderstood).
If the person’s socially awkward, they might seem like they’re giving you bad vibes, but they could just be dealing with some social anxiety. This could cause them to struggle to make conversation or read people’s social cues. They might also be feeling so much self-consciousness that it’s coming off as peculiar, but it’s not their fault. Check for socially awkward signs, such as if they can’t maintain eye contact or their palms are sweaty ’cause they’re panicking.
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4. They Love To Complain.
Someone who’s super negative could be giving you bad vibes. Maybe they love to moan about their boss, workload, or friends, and it goes on and on… Ugh. Not only is this making you see the person is filled with negativity, but it’s probably also bringing down your mood. Don’t be surprised if you feel drained after seeing them.
5. They’re Lying To You.
If the person you’re with isn’t being honest with you, this will definitely give you a bad vibe. You might not know for sure that they’re lying, but little hints could be telling your gut that something’s off. So, for example, if their stories don’t match or they tell you stories that seem OTT and unbelievable. Trust your intuition on this one and keep an eye on them ’cause they could be dodgy.
6. They’re Speaking Down To You.
Someone can be putting you down in a subtle way without you even realizing it, and yet you’ll feel that they’re being weird. Maybe they make a sarcastic comment when you say something or they interrupt you as though what they have to say is more important. Or, maybe they get an annoying smirk when you express an opinion. This is sneaky because chances are that if you had to confront them, they’d claim to be innocent. Eek.
7. They’re Dealing With Trauma.
The person who’s got a bad vibe could be dealing with a serious issue – and maybe they’re not even aware that their energy is coming off in that way. It might help to try to speak to them to find out what’s going on, such as if they’re dealing with trauma from which they haven’t healed.
8. They’re Trying To Catch You Out.
When spending time with this person, does it sometimes feel like they’re trying to catch you out? They could be dealing with trust issues that are making them highly suspicious of your behavior. Geez, it probably feels like hanging out with a policeman or something! Or, another reason for them being like this is that they’re keeping you at a distance because their walls are up and they’re too high to climb.
9. They’re Lazy.
The person’s bad vibes could be coming from their laziness. They might be strolling through life without a care in the world or playing video games until dawn because they just wanna do whatever. Being around them might be refreshing at first, but soon they could become a chore, like if they always expect you to do the work or they expect you to chase them and initiate contact. Ugh.
10. They Can’t Maintain Eye Contact.
Body language tells you a lot about someone, and it can give you hints that the person’s got some bad vibes brewing. Notice their eye contact. Do they look into your eyes when talking to you, or do their eyes glance all over the place? If it’s the latter, they’re not listening to you, they’re distracted, or they’re not telling you the truth. Dodgy.
11. They’re Not Thoughtful.
Someone who isn’t thoughtful won’t be thinking of you. So, they might forget your birthday or not ask you how you’re feeling after you told them you were under the weather. Or, maybe they think it’s NBD to host loud parties when you’re going to bed early or studying for a paper. They don’t think about anyone but themselves and what they want in the moment. No wonder you’re getting such bad vibes from them.