11 Telltale Signs You’re Being Lied To

11 Telltale Signs You’re Being Lied To

Enough with the lies! If you suspect someone is lying to you, it can be an infuriating experience. You feel taken advantage of and mistreated. It’s so disrespectful, but you can get your power back. If your partner or friend is doing any of these 11 things, they’re probably lying to you and you want to stay on top of it. From claiming to be “super honest” to fidgeting a lot, it helps to know what behavior to look out for so you don’t get caught up in their BS. Don’t let anyone pull the wool over your eyes.

1. They Keep Things Super Vague.

You ask your BF if he’s keen to go on holiday with you next month and he says something really vague like, “Probably” or “We’ll see.” Although it might be difficult to know what the future holds, sometimes it’s weird when a person keeps things intentionally vague. Another example: if you ask him if he’s keen to DTR and he says, “Not sure.” Uh, what? He’s clearly lying to you by being deliberately vague about things.

2. They Repeat Your Question Back To You.

It’s sneaky when someone repeats the question you’ve asked them. For example, if you ask, “Why did you spread gossip about me at work?” and your friend repeats the question before answering you, it could be a strategy for them to come up with a lie. They’re cornered and need to think fast, so they’re buying time. Very sneaky.

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4. They Try To Distract You.

Another sign of a lie is if the person tries to find distractions in their environment, such as if they say, “Sorry, I just want to check on why my dog’s barking” or “Did you see that weird car drive past?” slap-bang in the middle of the conversation. I mean, this is a lame way for them to try to get out of the conversation. SMH.

5. They’re Filled With Nervous Energy.

When cornered by a question, a liar might display nervous energy, such as fast breathing, fidgeting, or tugging their earlobe. Keep an eye out for these little body language signs that point to a lie pouring out of their mouths. But, interestingly, some people who lie do the opposite: they totally freeze in place like a bunny in headlights.

6. They Give You Tons Of Silly Details.

You ask your BF to tell you about the night out he had with his mates, but he’s totes lying about what went down because he’s filling you in on loads of details that you don’t need to know, like what the restaurant lighting was like or what his crazy friend decided to wear. It’s like, is he trying to prove that he’s telling you the truth when he’s really just masking his lies? Hmmm.

7. They Insist They’re Being Honest.

When you ask your BF if he texted another woman or you ask your friend if she’s hooking up with your crush, and they say, “I’m being honest!” or “Honestly, I wouldn’t lie to you,” your alarm bells should be ringing loudly. Whenever someone tries to insist that they’re telling you the truth, it usually makes you think otherwise.

8.  They Lose Their Cool.

When you confront your partner about something because you have a weird feeling they’re being deceptive, they lose their temper or become super defensive as though you’re attacking them. Wait, what? They’re desperately trying to make you out to be the bad guy here, when you’re just asking them a question. FFS. Whenever someone displays a dramatic explosion of emotion, it’s a red flag that they’re lying.

9. They Avoid Your Eyes – Or Stare At You.

Another body language tip that the person’s lying to you involves their eyes. They might avoid eye-contact, looking at the door or windows as though dying to escape the awkward conversation. Or, they might stare into your eyes – almost creepily, sometimes – because they’re desperate to appear genuine. Yikes.

10. They’re “Typing” For Ages.

When having a conversation with someone via instant chat like WhatsApp, you might find that they’re “typing” for ages before giving you an answer. Maybe they’re constantly revising their answer or they don’t know what to say. It’s dodgy. This is why you should have serious convos in RL, ladies.

11. They Cross Their Arms.

When you’re trying to get to the bottom of an issue and the person crosses their arms, this is like they’re physically trying to erect a wall between you. It’s linked to being defensive or stand-offish with you. They don’t want to have to answer your question because they’re being caught in a lie and they want to block you out.

12. Their Speech Is Weird.

When someone is trying to fumble their way through a story by lying to you, you might notice some telltale signs in their speech. These include speaking more or rambling, or speaking at a faster rate than they usually do (and they haven’t had coffee yet). Similarly, if they avoid making “I” statements (for example: “That thing happened” instead of “I did that”), they’re not taking ownership of their words because they’re lying. Busted!

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.