10 Small Habits That Make You Instantly Unlikable

10 Small Habits That Make You Instantly Unlikable iStock

You might be a great person to know who’s charming and fun, but you might also be guilty of small behaviors that are making people not like you. While it’s good not to care too much about what others think of you, it’s also good to know how you’re coming across to others, you know? So, here are 10 small habits that are making you instantly unlikable to those around you. It’s time for some self-reflection.

1. You interrupt people constantly.

You know that interrupting other people is annoying as hell, but maybe you’re doing it without realizing it’s so annoying. So, you might be interrupting someone’s funny story by laughing so loud that no one can hear what they’re saying, or trying to show interest in what they’re saying by asking questions halfway into their story without realizing that this is derailing their tale. Well, now you know, so you can stop.

2. You Love One-Upping People’s Stories.

Your friend says she got hit on in the supermarket and you chime in with getting flirted with at the gas station. Your friend tells you her scary experience with a home burglary, and you fill her in on getting hijacked. Although you think you’re trying to empathize with your friend, you’re actually trying to one-up their stories with yours that are more dramatic, funnier, or more entertaining. It’s obnoxious.

3. You’re A Chronic Multiple Texter.

Young woman drinking coffee and using smartphone in the coffee shop

It’s fine to double-text every now and then — no big deal. But it’s not cool if you’re texting more than once because you’re frustrated that the person you’re trying to reach isn’t getting back to you. Woah, hold on. Not everyone’s glued to their phones, you know. It’s irritating if you’re always texting multiple times to get someone’s attention, like if you send five WhatsApp messages that could’ve been put into one. Ugh.

4. You’re Always Complaining.

Your friend calls you to say hi and you launch into your BF’s behavior that’s pissing you off of how you’ve got a flat tyre. Wow, talk about a dump of negativity. If you’re always doing this, you’re blocking out positivity and causing your friends to have to take a deep breath before they see you because you’re a bit much sometimes.

5. You Don’t Ask Someone How They Are.

Chatting with a friend without actually asking anything about them looks selfish, like you want to direct the conversation onto subjects you want to talk about. If your interactions are all about light or self-absorbed chatter, you’re not actually connecting with people. You’re talking at them instead of with them, which is insulting.

6. You Fall In Love With People As Soon As You Meet.

couple having coffee dateiStock

You meet someone for the first time and you’re hugging them or telling them how much you like them after five minutes of chatting or hanging out. Yikes. Or, maybe you tell a new friend you’ll be besties in no time. Although you might think this makes you a warm, wonderful friend, it can give people the impression that you’re clingy or fake.

7. Your Phone’s Always On The Table.

When hanging out with friends, do you check your phone constantly? If it beeps while your friend’s talking about her date, do you sneakily check who’s texting you? It’s so rude! Although you could say it’s not as rude as actually texting in front of your friends, it’s just as bad because your phone’s stealing your attention away from people who are right in front of you.

8. You’re In Love With Yourself.

woman applying lipstick in mirror

Whenever you walk past a mirror, window, or car, do you check your reflection and fix your hair? Yep, you’re going to be instantly unlikable. The people around you who see this vanity at play might feel annoyed that you’re so self-absorbed. Similarly, if you’re so in love with yourself that you ignore all your flaws or expect praise from everyone around you, this can start to piss everyone off.

9. You Flirt With Everyone.

There’s nothing wrong with being a bit flirty, but it shouldn’t cross a line or disrespect anyone. If you’re flirtatious with your friend’s boyfriend or you’re gyrating on a guy on the dance floor while your BF watches, you’re giving the impression that you want to be single right now and you don’t respect people’s boundaries. People might also find it difficult to know if you’re serious or trustworthy.

10. You’re A Snob.

serious looking woman in city

You might be giving off little signs that you think you’re better than everyone else. So, an example of snobby behavior is if you look in horror at what your friend’s cooked for dinner while bragging about how great you are in the kitchen. Or, if you expect people to dine at expensive restaurants without caring about if they can even afford it. You have standards and expect others to meet them, but you’re just making everyone think you think you’re better than them. SMH.

Giulia Simolo is a writer from Johannesburg, South Africa with a degree in English Language and Literature. She has been working as a journalist for more than a decade, writing for sites including AskMen, Native Interiors, and Live Eco. You can find out more about her on Facebook and LinkedIn, or follow her on Twitter @GiuliaSimolo.