12 Qualities Of Men Who Are Great At Building Trust

12 Qualities Of Men Who Are Great At Building Trust

It’s pretty cliche at this stage to point out that trust is the foundation of a good relationship, but that’s because it’s true. Without being able to rely on your partner to show up for you, consider you when making decisions, and never intentionally do anything to betray or hurt you, do you really have a relationship at all? If you’re someone who dates men, you’ll want to keep an eye out for ones with these traits — they make building trust easy.

1. They’re consistent.

A trustworthy man is a consistent man. His personality shouldn’t drastically change given the day, and he shouldn’t ebb and flow between being obsessed with you and emotionally distant. The guy who talks to you one day and goes mute the next isn’t one you should trust. He should remain a strong presence in your life, even on the worst days. And while that may not always be easy, it’s critical to building long-term stability.

2. They’re honest even when it would be super easy to lie.

smiling man looking off to side

The truth is, being honest isn’t always easy. It’s uncomfortable and scary, especially if the truth can hurt someone you love. That said, honesty is the foundation of trust. An honest man appreciates you enough to be transparent, even when it’s difficult. He shouldn’t be afraid to tell you when he’s anxious, upset about something you said, or struggling at work. A trustworthy partner is open with his emotions, allowing you to feel comfortable opening up.

3. They’re pet owners. 

man alone with his dog

You can’t raise a pet without trust. Facts. Does he have a furry friend? Does that furry friend seem to like him (and not just when it’s dinner time)? If he’s a trustworthy man, his pet’s tail should wag every time he comes in the door. If they run away and hide under the bed, go ahead and take that as a sign that he’s not a good vibe. Of course, it should go without saying that if he doesn’t have a pet, that doesn’t automatically make him untrustworthy!

4. They can look you in the eye. 

If you’ve ever dated a cheater, you know how difficult it is for them to look you in the eye. That’s because they’re untrustworthy — they don’t want you to see their lies (LOL!). In fact, according to a study by BetterHelp, eye contact increases trust and honesty in social situations. And that’s straight from the experts. Keep in mind, we’re not saying you should marry the first guy who looks at you, but go ahead and avoid anyone that can’t.

5. They’re empathetic. 

A trustworthy man can put himself into other people’s shoes. He should be able to understand different perspectives, even if he doesn’t exactly agree. Empathy is one of the most attractive qualities a man can have, and that’s because it shows genuine caring for others. Untrustworthy people don’t usually care whether or not they hurt someone.

6. They’re there when you need them. 

Some guys are all talk. They’ll tell you they love you but disappear when you need them most. Sound familiar? A trustworthy man shouldn’t do that. He should make himself available for the people he cares about (i.e. you). If you need a ride to the airport, he should be the first one you call. If you’re having a bad day, he should be there with your favorite dessert. He should have his own life, of course, but if you’re important to him, he should be there when you need him the most.

7. They’re well-liked. 

Hot take: A trustworthy man has friends. People want to be around him. Why? Because he’s reliable. We’re not saying he should have a whole group of people in his corner, but he should at least have one or two close friends (even if they don’t live nearby). If his best and only friend is his mom, you’d better believe there’s a reason!

8. They’re interested in your life.

A trustworthy man cares about you. Not only does he spend time with you, but he asks you real questions. Your conversations get deep, and that’s because he’s trying to get to know you. His interest isn’t just in the physical, and that’s clear by how inquisitive he is. He should want to know your favorite color, whether you have siblings, and if you like your job. If he doesn’t show an interest in your life, what’s the point in dating him? 

9. They know how to apologize. 

A trustworthy man should be confident in who he is as a person but not under some false illusion that he’s perfect. He shouldn’t be afraid to admit when he’s wrong, even if he doesn’t think he’s wrong. Go ahead and read that again! Controversial opinion: If he hurt your feelings, even when he’s in the right, he should be able to say sorry and mean it.

10. They actually listen to what you have to say.

I once went on a first date where I spent at least an hour talking about my obsession with “Harry Potter.” During our second date, he asked if I’d ever seen any of the movies. Later that night, I caught him texting his ex-girlfriend begging for a second chance. Moral of the story: A guy who doesn’t listen is a guy who can’t be trusted. He should be genuinely engaged when you’re speaking and not ask you the same question twice in a matter of two days.

11. They don’t hide their phones.

Speaking of phones, a trustworthy man won’t hide their phone from you. He may not hand it over for you to investigate, but he shouldn’t be shady about it. Does he take his phone with him to the bathroom (even when he just goes #1))? Does he refuse to let you hold his phone, even when he’s driving and gets a text? That’s sus, sis.

12. They answer your questions.

A trustworthy man isn’t afraid of questions. Sure, no one wants to feel like they’re constantly being interrogated. But the average person in a relationship shouldn’t be uncomfortable answering a simple, “Where did you go to high school?” If he looks at you sideways when you ask him basic questions, it’s probably because he has something to hide. Or, he didn’t hear you. But we’re going to assume it’s probably the former.

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Jordan White is a writer based in Scottsdale, Arizona with more than 8 years of experience. She graduated from Northern Arizona University with a degree in Rhetoric and Creative Writing in 2015 and while there, she wrote for The Daily Wildcat. She has since written for sites including FanBread, and, of course, Bolde. You can find about more her on Facebook. She has a passion for giving her audience something to laugh about and despises the heat more than anything.